Chapter 8

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Glad that i was able to get out of that house i jumped inside of the black BMW that was waiting outside for me. I was in such a hurry that I didn't notice who I was getting in the car with. When I finally paid attention to who the driver was I was shocked. It was Drew, the guy that was with us in the VIP area messing around with Mia on my birthday. "Hey, how you doing" he asked smiling.

I started putting my seat belt on. "I'm doing good. So you and Mia kept in contact since my birthday?" I asked being nosy. She did not tell me she was still talking to this dude. I didn't even know she got his number.

"Yea, yo girl got me feeling some kind of way about her." he said still smiling while driving down the road.

"That's wassup." I said laid back in my seat. I was still shocked because the way he said that was like they were working towards something. Why wouldn't Mia tell me she was talking to him? She usually tells me everything.

"Its messed up how you left me and Mike hanging like that in the club the other night. My boy Mike ain't been right since." he said looking over to me.

"I had to leave because i have a boyfriend and i couldn't continue to mess around with him like that without regretting it." i said getting irritated that he even brought that up.

"I feel you on that shorty. Well why you have to take ya girl away from me like that?" He asked.

"Because I came with my bitch and ima leave with my bitch. Period. We don't do stuff like that unless we have an understanding way ahead of time. And besides we had just met y'all. I wont about to leave her with complete strangers." I said, my voice starting to show my irritation.

He chuckled. "I see where you coming from, but we wont strangers when...never mind. I'm just going to keep that to myself." He said shaking his head.

I gave him the side eye. "I know we were doing a little bit too much but that's why we left duh. And yes its better if you do just keep your comment to yourself." I said raising my voice a little. He was really getting on my nerves and I couldn't wait to hurry up and get to Mia's.

For the rest of the ride it was quiet, thank God. If he said anymore I probably would have gotten out and walked. Something about him just made me not like him. I kept checking my phone to see if Vonte had hit me up and i still didn't get anything from him. I just don't understand where things have went wrong. We just had a blast these last few days and now all of a sudden he's not hitting me up like he usually do.

When we pulled up at Mia's house she was standing outside waiting for us. She was looking super cute with some short jean shorts on and a black tube top and some all black Jordans to go with it. One thing about us is that we always knew how to dress. "You look good boo." i said to her when i got out of the car and gave her a hug.

"I know!" she said being cocky. I rolled my eyes because i knew that would be her response. "Y'all come on in so you can get dressed and so we can start this turn up!" she said walking into the house.

"Lets do it." Drew said and followed behind her.

When i walked in music was already bumping and there were a few bottles of liquor on the table. I walked over to the liquor and poured me a shot of Hennessy to get rid of the tension that I've had built up today. I called Vonte after i took my shot to see if he wanted to come over and turn up with us and it went straight to voicemail. One shot turned into 4 quick as i kept thinking about Vonte and how he hasn't reached out to me since our argument. Fuck it. If that's how Vonte wants to play then that's what we can do. I'm just going to forget about him and do me. Especially for tonight. "Drew!" I yelled towards the kitchen to get his attention. I was definitely starting to feel the alcohol.

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