Chapter 26

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I woke up and seen a bright light staring me back in the eyes causing my head to feel like it was on fire. When I finally got my vision under control I realized I was in a hospital bed. I had all kinds of cords and needles hooked up to me. I looked over to the side of me and my mom was in the chair beside me sleep. I looked over to the other side and there was a bunch of flowers, cards, and gifts. But then I realized something was missing.

I looked down to my belly and I had a little pudge but it wasn't as round as it was when my baby was in there. I started to panic. "Where's my baby?" I asked but I could barely speak so nobody could here me.

I tried to move to get out of these cords and needles so I could speak to someone about where my baby is. My body hurt with every little movement but that was not going to stop me from figuring this out. The nurse came rushing into the room "Mrs. Taylor, please stop moving. You have some serious injuries and you need to be still." she said trying to lay me back down gently.

Taylor? Oh yea, that's Mike's last name. "No!" I yelled focusing back on what's important. "Where's my baby?" I asked starting to get emotional. Please let my baby be okay.

"Your daughter is just fine Mrs. Taylor. You will get to see her soon. Your husband is with her at this moment but I need you to calm down and take it easy honey." she said laying me back trying to fix the cords that I messed up.

"Her?" I asked. Did she just say I have a daughter? Tears started flowing down my cheeks.

"Yes Mrs. Taylor, you have a baby girl and she is adorable." the nurse said putting the warm blanket over the lower half of my body. "I will be right back in. I need to let everyone know that you are finally awake." she said before she left the room.

My mom woke up when the nurse rushed in the room and she looked startled until now. "Kitten are you okay?" she asked standing up beside the bed.

What I've been through in the last few months replayed in my head and I couldn't do anything but cry. "Is this a dream?" I asked. I needed to know that this was real and I won't wake up tied to that bed waiting for Vonte to come and kill me.

"Of course this is Kitten, of course." she said putting her fingers in my hair. She gave me a kiss on my forehead. "We thought you were gone." she said starting to cry.

"Me too." I said crying with her. "Why is that lady calling me Mrs. Taylor? Mike and I aren't married yet." I said changing the subject.

"I don't know baby. When he brought you in a few days ago he told them y'all were married. And I guess when they saw the ring on your finger that was all the confirmation they needed." she said looking into my eyes.

"The ring?" I said looking down at my finger. I gasped. I haven't seen this ring in forever. Vonte took it from me. How in the hell did it get back on my finger? My mind quickly went back to my daughter. "Mom I have a baby girl?" I asked for her confirmation.

"Oh yes! She is the most beautiful little thing I've ever seen. She's even cuter than you and your sisters when y'all were babies." she said with her eyes glowing.

"Really?" I asked picturing a beautiful baby girl in my head.

"Yes kitten, she even has your green eyes." she said. Hearing that made me so happy.

"I want to see her. Will they let me see her?" I asked my mom.

"I'm sure they will. I'm going to go call Mike and let him know that you're awake." she said pulling out her cell phone to dial his number.

While mom was on the phone with Mike she started crying. I instantly thought something was wrong with my baby when I seen her cry. "Is she alright?" I asked worried.

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