Chapter 4

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                                                                                        5 years later

Today is the day that I am officially a grown woman! It's my 18th birthday and it's graduation day. This is one of the happiest days of my life and i cant wait to celebrate with Mia's crazy ass later. The last few years have been pretty good to me. I stayed in school, I got through the healing process of when i was raped, I found an amazing boyfriend and my friendship with Mia has thrived ever since.

"Takiya Smith." my principal called out my name. I got out of my seat and started to walk towards the stage making sure that my walk was perfect. My jimmy choo heels echoed off of the floor with every confident step I took. I grabbed my diploma and gave the principal a hug and strutted back to my seat. I looked over to Mia who already had hers in hand and she had a smile so big on her face it connected to her ears. I was so proud of us that my smile matched hers.

Graduation took forever it seemed like but the moment when the principal said we are now graduates of high school I felt like I was on top of the world. I never thought I would be able to accomplish graduating with a 3.8 GPA. Especially after what I went through with my rape but just like Mia said, we were going to get through this and it was going to make us stronger and that's exactly what we did.

Graduation was finally over and we were ready to start celebrating my birthday. 

"Hey baby, Congratulations!" my boyfriend Vonte said getting out of his car coming towards me. Vonte was 6'3, very muscular, and chocolate. He had a smile to die for with dreads stopping right above the middle of his back. He's 2 years older than me but he understood me.

"Hi love." i said smiling going over him to give him a kiss. 

"What do y'all have planned tonight? I know y'all getting it in for your birthday and shit." he said with his deep voice leaning against the trunk of his car.

"You already know bra!" Mia said dapping him up. "We gonna hit up The Apple tonight with a few our friends from around the way" she continued.

"Well i hope y'all stay out of trouble." he said to her and then turned to me. "I wish i could be with y'all to celebrate tonight but you know its mandatory for me to be at work tonight." he said pulling me close to him looking sad that he can't turn up with us tonight. I'm not going to lie I'm a little down that he can't make it too but we are definitely going to make up for it. 

"I know babe, you don't have to worry though because we are going to have our own little private celebration tomorrow when you are off." I said to him. His eyes got super big when i said that and so did his smile.

"Really babe? You ready for all that?" he asked. 

We've been together for almost 2 years now and i still haven't gave him the pussy. I haven't gave anyone the pussy since Tom took my innocence. Vonte and I have gotten really close to doing it but the closer we've got the more i had flashbacks of what happened to me. But i'm at the point right now where i feel like he deserves it now. Vonte is one of the nice guys. He does everything I ask of him and more. All i know is that the love that he has for me is real. "Yes Vonte, you deserve it baby." i said to him giving him another kiss, but this kiss was longer than our usual kisses. He grabbed my butt and squeezed as he put his tongue in my mouth. Now that kiss was one that i would love to continue forever. My girl tingled at how good the kiss was.

"Alright you two. Cant y'all get a room later or something? You making me want to throw up in my mouth." Mia said interrupting our kiss.

Vonte broke the kiss first laughing at Mia "You just mad you don't have nobody kissing you like that."

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