Chapter 24

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"Did you have fun?" Vonte asked sarcastically, as he walked me somewhere, still blindfolded.

I just cried silently as we walked. I was in so much pain from what that man did to me in there that I was surprised my body still functioned. I've got fucked in every hole, beat and mistreated in the worst ways possible.

When we stopped, Vonte took my blindfold off and looked me in my eyes. "You gonna pay for leaving me for that pretty fuck boy." he said and then pushed me into the room with Steph.

I walked over to my corner and slid down the wall easily to sit down. I couldn't sit directly on my butt so i just laid down on the cold floor instead. "Are you okay?" Steph asked sounding concerned.

I didn't answer her. I just buried my head into my arm and cried. I'm hoping that this is just a long nightmare that I can't seem to wake up from and I'm just laying in my comfortable bed with my fiance in a deep slumber because of how good he made love to me the night before. Please let that be the case.

I don't know how long I slept but it felt like forever when I was woken by the same guy that came to get Steph. He sat a bowl of what looked like ravioli in front of me and a cup of dirty water. I was so hungry that I didn't even care what it was. I know that my baby has to get some kind of food in there so i gobbled it down and drunk all the water in one gulp.

Steph sat beside me and ate the same way and we were both finished at the same time. "Do you know what you are having yet?" Steph asked finishing up her last bit of water.

"No, I had an appointment to find out in 2 weeks. Hopefully my fiance will find us by then so I can still find out. I don't think my baby is going to last long in here." I said looking down to my stomach. It hurt just thinking about my baby not making it. I do know i'm going to do everything in my power to make sure nugget is okay though.

I closed my eyes and pictured the ultrasound appointment and how active little nugget was and the beautiful sound of the heartbeat. That thought was quickly interrupted by the door opening. Vonte came in and walked towards me. "Get up." he said a little softer this time. I struggled to lift my body because of the pain I was in but i finally made it up. "Turn around." he said.

I did as I was told. He took both of my wrists and put handcuffs on them and then he put a blindfold over my eyes. I just hope that he isn't taking me to someone else. I can't do the pain anymore right now. He walked me somewhere taking a few turns again and we walked in a room. He took my blindfold off and I seen we were in a different bathroom. This bathroom was a little cleaner and it had a bath and shower. Vonte walked over to the shower and turned it on. I thought he would take the cuffs off of my wrists but he didn't. He walked me over to the shower and I stepped into some freezing cold water. I thought maybe since I was still handcuffed that he would wash me up but he didn't.

"I want you to stay right there until I come back to get you. If you move, you will be punished. I am watching so I will know." he said right before walking out, leaving me under freezing cold water.

I just stood there shivering until the water was numb on my skin. It was like I didn't feel the temperature of the water anymore. "Why me?" I said to the ceiling while tears were flowing down my face. I stood there for what felt like 45 minutes before he came back and turned the water off.

"Did you enjoy the shower?" he asked sarcastically again. He took a rag out of his back pocket and wiped my whole body down with no water.

"I'm sorry." I said to Vonte when he finished wiping me down. I just needed to get some kind of sympathy from him so that I could get out of here.

"Don't be sorry now." he said not showing any sympathy what so ever.

"I loved you, you know? You were my world, my heart beat, my everything. What happened to us?" I asked still trying. The real question was was happened to him? This is definitely not the man that I was in a relationship with for 2 years.

To Hell and BackTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon