4 - Only slightly interested...

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After having seen that video message Charlie stood a little while in her kitchen, sipping on her coffee, thinking. That man who's video message she'd just seen had woken her interest. There was something about him... he came across convincing, self-assured... but modest at the same time. Well... basically, he sounded friendly. Kind. Still... She wasn't able to point at it exactly - but there'd been something else... She wasn't sure if it was about what he said. But how he said it.

Anyway. He - or they - liked the work she did with Bono and his band? 'Well, you better!', Charlie thought. 'It's been the hardest piece of work I've ever done! I was a nature photographer - or at least still life scenes were and are my passion. If I had known about the tasks and challenges of living life on the road before, sleeping on the tour bus or on the plane or in another hotel room each and every night I would never have done it. Not to talk about being almost constantly with the band members! I mean, they are genuinely nice guys - but that's the core issue: They're male. And I didn't know how fucking tough it could become without any female company! Well, at least most of the time, apart from some perpetually giggling, fangirling chicks the catering services provided... I don't think I need such an experience ever again.'

That said (or thought) she couldn't really share Sebastian's obvious excitement about another band's request to attend their tour, whether they were as famous and successful as U2 or not. Waking up in different cities almost every day wasn't that bad, though - but she'd rather decided on her own when it was time for leaving. Not to talk about nights turning into days and days into nights! She was totally worn out after the contract had ended and was in an urgent need for recovery. Sebastian knew her opinion about that part of her profession so she was wondering why he insisted to pay attention to OneRepublic's... or better... - 'Yeah, I do recall his name now!' - Tedder's offer.

She turned back to her laptop. When U2 had come up with their job offer they already were global super stars and no-one could prevent from knowing at least 5 hit songs, even if not that enthusiastically interested in pop or rock music at all. Like herself, for example.

She smiled about herself. What did Seb say about her being ignorant? Could be true. At least she hadn't to google U2 or Bono and was familiar with the band, their members and most of their songs. In contrast to OneRepublic. Undecided whether she was even willing to think any further if to enter into negotiations about a possible contract she found herself attracted and curious enough to find out more about them.

Only slightly interested she began her research on youtube. Because she liked to do this properly she ignored the first results she saw on the screen. 'Let's see... which one's the most clicked... the oldest, if not their first single? ... Oh, wow... over a onehundred million views?!?' Even Charlie knew that this was an enormous amount of call-ups. 'OK, so it's from 2007, probably their first hit single... Wait - Apologize? Really?' She remembered the subject of Seb's mail from yesterday and how that rang a distant bell in her mind: "If you don't take this chance - it'll be too late to apologize later!" 'Was he referring to that song? So... I might've been wrong - I really think I know this... and I even like it. That's surprising. I thought I wouldn't recognize a single one, she thought before she started the video.

Of course I know this! she thought as soon as she heard the intro. The radio stations still do play this catchy, emotional, somewhat sad tune a couple of times a week, it's just timeless but yet almost 7 years old, whoa...' She was somehow irritated about that man at the mixer console in the first scenes of that clip. 'What does it mean - Timbaland feat. OneRepublic? Thought it's their song? Hmmm...' Then she saw the younger version of Ryan Tedder at the piano - younger compared to the recent pictures she'd seen on her quick search the night before... and a bit chubby. She couldn't help but smiling a bit.

'OK, so that's clear... apologies, boys... At least one song I do know. Now... let's see - what else do you have got for me...? What?!? "Marching on"? You've got to be kidding me...' She remembered having heard that song during the 2010 Soccer World Cup in South Africa over and over again on a certain German TV station - unlike most of her fellow females Charlie loved watching soccer, at least when her home team was playing. 'So, that's also them...? Interesting.' Step by step and piece by piece she activated the next 7 or 8 suggestions and was astonished. She recognized each and every single one: Stop and stare, All the right moves, Life in color, Good life, Secrets, Say, Mercy, If I lose myself... 'What the heck? How come I know them all but never before heard of OneRepublic?! Counting Stars? Really??? Love runs out... oh my gosh... I couldn't get that tune out of my head for weeks - it's the song which always reminds me of Germany winning this year's Soccer World Cup in Brasil! Lord, give me strength... Seb's so very right - I am ignorant! This band is a hit machine...

What had Tedder said about their tour - Native? OK, guys... now you can prove if you're just good at sound engineering - or if you really know your business! I'm eager to find out if you can sing and play live...'

Charlie forgot about time when she watched the concert clips. She was impressed because they were amazing, powerful, various, virtuosic, intriguing and absolutely professional... and live they sounded even more colorful. The singer was - she had to admit it - phenomenal: Jumping, running, bouncing, playing all over the stage, amicably teasing his band mates, interacting, animating and encouraging the audience to sing and clap along - and he could still hit the right - and sometimes ridiculously high-notes. Charlie pursed her lips. 'So you're just "in the band", Tedder? I'll be damned if you're not their bloody band leader...'

Her phone went off and she winced, jolted out of her thoughts. Shit. She'd forgotten to call back Seb. "Yeah. Sorry. Should've called." Seb grunted. "Finished your research, checked'em out?" he snapped. "I need your answer, whatever it'll be. Now." He paused and heard her sighing. "Look, I know what you've said about doing this ever again, going on tour with..." She interrupted him. "No, listen... I've just looked them up. I might be interested. But only -only!- if I can have a say in the terms and conditions. A major say. Tell'em to transmit a draft contract. I'll see into it. No promises." She hang up before Seb could say anything.

'Slightly interested, huh?' she thought, staring at the freeze frame on her laptop. There was OneRepublic's singer and frontman... lying on his back on stage, covered in sweat, a mic up to his lips, his forearm covering his eyes... one leg strechted, the other one tucked up... seemingly exhausted. But then again... he had an unmistakable boner.

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