10 - Regrets

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When Charlie came out of the bathroom Zach sat on his bed, with his head down. "Hey... what's up?" He raised his head slowly. "Charlie, I don't know what to say. There're no words to excuse what just had happened. I'm totally sorry." She took a seat on Drew's bed, opposite to him. "Why do you apologize? You've done nothing wrong." "Yes, I did. I should've stopped Ryan from drinking. I didn't know it would get out of control so fast. Normally, he can have at least one drink without becoming verbally abusing." "Hm. You know... I'm not squeamish. Actually... it was kind of funny." "That's good to know", Zach sighed in relief. "But I also admit: little by little I get the impression I might be in the wrong place. Obviously, Ryan cannot stand me, hell knows why. Probably because Seb and me had set up that damned play. He's still feeling pranked, I guess - despite I said sorry."

Zach was quiet for a while. "Look, I can't tell you, because it's none of my business and he'd be totally pissed if I did. All I can say is: It's nothing personal. And if he'd accepted your excuse then he's already forgotten about the whole thing." Charlie looked unconvinced. "Well... you know him way better than I do. But my point still stands. I feel so much pressure just being in a room with him just out of fear I could say or do something which provokes him. Whether he's drunk or sober. It's like he's only waiting for a chance to snub and patronize me, all the time."

He hesitated. "Like I said... I can't tell you why he's behaving the way he does, sometimes. Okay... often! He likes to provoke, it's part of his nature. Maybe you could try to see it more like a game, not a fight. At least I can promise: What happened tonight won't happen again. We'll all take care of that. Plus, I'm sure as soon as he's realized what he'd said he'll come to you crawling on his knees... only figuratively speaking, of course." She smiled a bit. "Of course."

"So... will you join us again in a minute or wanna go to bed right now for you're already in these... err... beautiful chequered flannel not so sexy PJ's?" "Ah... I don't know, to be honest. I feel a bit... overdressed. Compared to all of you." Zach laughed. "Oh... another rule for you to learn: After concerts only casual, comfortable or dead-ugly. We mostly go for the last option. So if you're feeling good... in this ugly thing... You're absolutely welcome!" "Fine. I'll be there in a few minutes."

He was about to return to the living room when he suddenly turned his head to her. "Charles... please don't do regret this. I mean... coming here, working with us. We like you. Even Ryan does. He only doesn't know, yet." And he went back to the others.

Charlie brushed her hair and put it in a ponytail. 'And again', she thought. 'What I miss the most is a girlfriend to talk to.' Zach was a real nice guy and she liked talking to him. So he was the one who came closest to what she'd call a friend. On the other hand he was Ryan's best buddy, as far as she could tell. So there'd always be some sort of conflict for him if she complained to him about the man she liked least. After what he'd just told her he knew something about Ryan's disconcerting behavior towards her he couldn't tell. She wondered if Eddie knew, too. He'd be easier to crack if she seriously tried... 'No! That's not my style!' Especially, because she remembered what Ryan'd said about women only bringing one thing: Trouble. If there was anything she didn't want to do then it was: To approve his prejudice. 'So... let's try to make the best out of this disastrous day...' There might be a tiny chance Ryan'd dropped dead meanwhile, if she was lucky.

When she returned to the living room the guys were playing some video game. At least, Brent and Drew were on it, the others were just watching and rooting for the one or other. "Gotcha!" "Dream on! Take that!" "Watch out, behind that wall!" "Shoot! Shoot! Shoot, dammit!" "Throw it!" "Good shot, Drew!" "Fire, Brent - right now!" She rolled her eyes. "Boys and their toys", she whispered but Eddie heard her. "Hey honey... Here's your stale beer - enjoy!" He handed her the can. "You alright?" "Yeah." "Nice... outfit!" "Thanks." "Come on, have a seat."

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