28 - A punch in the guts

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She went back to what she was temporarily calling home. Her meeting with Betty had been some sort of a relief. To talk about certain issues was relaxant, after all. There were some fundamental things they were able to discuss - without even naming them, explicitly but because Betty knew about Charlie's past far better than anyone else (apart from Charlie's parents) there wasn't any doubt: Her advice would be substantially to Charlie.

On the other hand her revelation was totally confusing to Charlie herself because the realization of what had really been going for such a long time in her head and heart and what she had kept pushing to the back of her mind felt so stunning now that she had spoken out it caused her nausea.

She shut down the engine and sighed. 'Did I really just make that confession - not only to Betty but moreover to myself? That'll make things even more complicated than before when I told myself I couldn't stand him. Consequently, I should leave this place right now. It's gonna be so stressful to face him in the future.' She swallowed. 'Stupid, stupid, stupid thing! That's what I am!'

She was about to open the car's door - when Eddie did it for her. "Hey... welcome back. What took you so long?" She tried hard to get rid of her dark thoughts. "Hey honey... Just spent some time with my girlfriend." "Great, congrats! Missed you, tho'! C'mon, get out of the car." She hesitated. "Fisher?" "Yeah." "Get me out of here. Please. I... I can't explain but I just cannot face this place tonight." Eddie simply said: "Move. I'm gonna drive." And he got into the car when Charlie slipped to the passenger's seat.

"Just guessing..." Eddie said before he started the engine again. "You're in a need of accompany... and anyone would do?" "No... not just anyone. I need someone who... just knows... what I need. Just don't... ask too many questions, Eddie.... Please."

He was smiling. "Which hotel?" "Well... there'd better be a large tub... or something like a spa... Ed?" "Yeah." "Let's have something where... I can get loud, OK? I mean... where I can cry and shout and smash some things and nobody will hear me. At least if... you're ready to bear some tears." Eddie sensed that something must have happened and that she was boggled.

"Anything you want, babe. Let me take care of this, just gimme a moment." He made a call she refused to take any notice of - for she was trapped in her own thoughts. Then he said: "Clint will call back in a few minutes, he gets us a suite... but... Charles?" "Yeah." "You know - this will attract negative attention. I mean..." "I know what you mean but I just cannot stay here tonight." The desperate expression on her face was melting his heart. "Since you've told me I should not ask I won't. At least not now. But maybe later on... don't you think I could be of help?" "No one can help me, Eddie. My best friends tonite are probably gonna be a bottle of Bourbon - and you."

He nodded. "Alright. Just to let you know: You can talk about anything to me. That bottle you're asking for... wanna drink it on your own or are you gonna share? I mean... just tell me if we're gonna need one or two bottles." "I think... we'll need two, sorry. I just wanna get drunk. Really, really drunk." "Wonder what you're tryin' to forget, honey. You know... it'll only come around again. Worse than ever before." "Are you my mother, Fisher?" "Thank God, I'm not!" Charlie didn't even manage to crack a smile. "Do us a favor and get us out of here. I don't need anyone to stare out of the window, watching us." "Sure, let's go."

Clint gave Eddie a call some minutes later and Eddie answered on his phone while driving which earned him a punitive look by Charlie. "Hey, buddy... yeah... sounds great! Uh... wait a second, Imma ask her." He turned to Charlie. "He found us an accommodation. Now he wants to know if we want separate rooms." Her face was blank. "Is that really a question? If I wanted that I could've gone on my own." He was smirking. "Get us the suite, buddy", he said to Clint. "And... can you check if the bar will still be open when we're arriving? Great. Text me, then. Thanks, mate."

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