14 - Moving out

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After Ryan had left the bus Brent gave Eddie a push. "Move." Eddie stood up so Brent could pass. He went over to Charlie and took her in his arms, squeezing her quickly. "Sorry", he whispered in her ear and gave her a peck on the forehead. Charlie nodded. "Thanks. Are you going over to pack your things now?" "Yeah... if it wasn't for our princesses' sake... I wouldn't." He stared at Drew, Zach and Brian. They had a guilty expression on their faces. "Alright... Tell me when you're done. I'm gonna go and pack mine, too. We better make sure not to trip over each other... we all know how sensitive some people are to too loud noises these days." Brent smiled broadly. "I'd surely miss you and your sarcasm, Charlie. So... if swapping places means you'll continue to stay with us... let's just do as Ted's ordered." "Resistance is futile", Charlie answered fatalistically. He squeezed her again, smirking. "Like I said... I'd surely miss you." Turning to the others he added: "And I'm not the only one, am I?" Not waiting out their replies he left the bus to pack his things.

Charlie was about to do the same but Zach stopped her. "Hey, Charlie... Just a sec, OK? This is nothing personal, you know that, right?" She shrugged. "Yes, I know. Like you all know I am absolutely loath to spend more time with that man than necessary. Because him and me are getting along so well together." Zach thoughtfully scrubbed his chin. "Take it as a chance. Get to know him better. He ain't that bad." She gave him a weird look. "Me neither. But will he ever notice?"

Eddie suddenly burst out laughing and the others were unable to contain themselves. Charlie was puzzled. "What?! Tell me! What the hell's so funny?" Eddie recovered at first. "Honey... he did already. Why the fuck ya think he's so happy now?" "Happy? Is he?" Charlie was unsure if she understood what was going on. "How d'you know?" "Because he's just ruled you", Drew answered for Eddie. "He'd been waiting for that chance. He made you move onto his bus. He forbid you to leave. That's how he rolls." Charlie stared at Drew in disbelief. "I don't understand." Zach explained: "Control freak, you remember? Told you so." "If he likes you, he's eager to take care of you. And his way to take care of you is to rule you. Makes him happy when he can be parental", Eddie added. "I bet he's congratulating himself now. You refused to take his orders so far. But now... you must obey."

Charlie was nervously biting her thumbnail. "I can feel loads of problems coming up, guys. Him and me cooped up in confined spaces... it's bound to end in disaster. Especially if he keeps on patronizing me. And he will, I know it." Zach and Eddie were trying to soothe: "Hey... it's only the nights when you'll be with him... Yeah, I know how that sounds, stop giggling, Drew!" Eddie said. "During the day you're always welcome on our trailer", Zach added. "Or we'll be on yours, to make sure you both don't kill each other - even only by looks." "If only that were possible", Charlie mumbled. "He'd surely be dead by now." She tried to pull herself together. "OK, makes no sense to muse about it. He's made his decision and I fear I've gotta deal with it, whether I want or not. I better go and take care of my stuff now. Before he's getting upset and assumes I'm not submissive."

And she went down the aisle to her compartment to stow her equipment.

She didn't hear Zach chuckle. "Ryan would like the expression. 'Submissive'." "Very", Drew agreed and Eddie had a dirty little smile on his face. "Only she's everything but that", he grinned. "I think Charlie moving onto our bus will be an interesting experience. You guys are gonna miss something." "Especially for Ted it will be an unforgettable experience, no doubt", Drew nodded. Zach couldn't help but laughing out loud. "Eddie, you know what? I think I'll volunteer... at least from time to time I'd rather spend the night on the bus of the Snorer's Club. Could be worth one or another sleepless night!" And he hi-fived his bandmates.

Half an hour later Charlie returned with her baggage to the living room. The men were watching the news on TV over the internet to stay informed about what was happening back home in the US. Eddie jumped up and grabbed her bags. "Let me give you a hand with these", he insisted. "Oh, you're walking me 'home'?", she answered ironically. "Thanks, Eddie. You're the perfect gentleman. This is not because you wanna witness me scratching out Ryan's eyes within half a minute, is it?" He denied innocently. "Nope. If you'd do so... I'll deny any knowledge. Honestly, just let me help you." Charlie took her backpack and Eddie her bags and they left the trailer.

Zach noticed very well: She hadn't said good-bye. And it affected him more than he thought it would.

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