27 - What reeled her in (sth tells you to run - sth tells you to stay)

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The opportunity to dispose of the car was an unexpected but very welcomed treat to Charlie. After she was told she had to take Ryan to the hospital but she got his... allowance to persue her own plans afterwards she gave her best girlfriend a call. "Hiiiiii... Charlie! Long time no see... where are you?" Betty was delighted when Charlie suggested to meet later in the afternoon. "Sure, I think I can even leave work earlier today. Shall we meet in the city?" "Yeah, sounds good to me. At our fav restaurant, maybe?" "I'm in!" "Can't fix the time, though. I need to take someone to the hospital, first." "Oh. Why's that, is somebody sick?" "Not exactly... well, maybe a bit... in the head. It's not an emergency, though - just aftertreatment and examination. But you know... medical issues might take some time." "I'll be waiting for your call, then - no problem." "Fine, see you later then!" "See you later!"

So she drove to Dortmund where Betty worked at a marketing agency and met her at the Tam Nag Thai, their both favorite Asian food restaurant. "Oh honey... it's so good to see you", Betty was almost crying out of joy and hugged her intensely. "Good to see you, too sweetie! You can't imagine how much I missed you!" And Charlie couldn't hold back her tears. Betty was at once alarmed. "Hey... hey, what's the matter with you?! Did something bad happen? Come here, sit down and tell me." Her compassion was so very soothing to Charlie that she completely lost it and was unable to stop her sobbing for minutes while Betty was hugging and rocking her gently. "Oh my my... did somebody harm you? Are your parents alright? You didn't take your mom or dad to the hospital this morning, did you? Here... take the kerchief... dry your tears... I'm here, honey... tell me what's wrong!" Charlie calmed down and was sniveling from time to time. After a while the crisis was over and she said: "Betty, I'm so stupid. I've done it wrong again. And no, my mom and dad are well." "Thank God! What do you mean - you've done it wrong again? Wipe your nose, honey, you're dripping." Charlie snuffled. "I need another tissue." "Here you go. Now tell me what's worrying you."

So Charlie told her about the contract she signed, though she didn't mention with which band. Betty was shaking her head. "Didn't you promise yourself you'd never do that again?" Charlie nodded. "Yes, I did. I now cannot explain anymore why my doubts went overboard like nothing." She clicked her fingers. Betty gave her a mocking smile. "Ah... c'mon, be honest - you'd never made this decision without good reason. And I can't imagine Seb talked you into it, that little twat." "Well... if I once had a reason I can't remember it anymore." 'Lightning shall hit me', Charlie thought somehow ashamed. 'I shouldn't lie to my best friend.' And Betty seemed to know that she just didn't listen to the truth. But she had her own ways to get to that.

"Listen, honey... let's have a look at the menu and place our orders first, OK? I'm starving!" Charlie agreed and they both ordered King Prawns with Thai vegetables, fried rice and green curry sauce and fried breaded vegetables with plum sauce. As usual Charlie said: "I'd like to have my food extra hot, please. And yes: I mean extra hot!" The waitress made a bow and because Charlie was very serious about it she just accepted the request.

"So... you really want to tell me you ran into disaster eyes wide open? Excuse me, but is this story time or are you just kidding me?" Charlie was smiling. "You know me so well." "So... are you gonna tell me the truth?" "Yeah, well... you won't believe it: Partly Seb talked me into it for real. He had convincing arguments." "Such as?" "Well, I thought... traveling Europe isn't quite the same like what I did with U2, you know?" "It's still traveling from city to city and you can never decide on your own." "Thought, this time it would be worth it." Betty clicked her tongue and gave Charlie an inviting look: "For what particular reason?" "Because... it was somehow... attracting to me that there was a band I never heard of before but when I checked on them I had to realize I knew almost every song." "Charlie - you just can't be serious. The same went for U2, back then! Anything else that attracted you? Of which band are we talking here anyway?"

Instead of an answer Charlie switched on her phone and showed it to her friend. "Holy shit - really?!?" "You know them, huh? Thought so already, for you've always been more into music than me." Betty tapped on the screen. "You know who he is, don't you?" "Meanwhile. A constant in the music business, I had to learn. If you're talking of Mr Tedder, I mean." "I do! And you don't call him Mr Tedder, don't you?" "No, actually he's Mr Superasshole to me." "What?!! Every article I read says he's a genuinely nice guy!" "Maybe to the media." Charlie was short and that got Betty even more curious. "Oh, c'mon, tell me more! This man is a genius songwriter and producer, they call him the undercover king of pop! The songs he wrote... he just can't be the asshole you claim him to be!" "Uh... maybe that went to his head? Honestly, Betty... I'm not getting on very well with him. You know... sometimes you meet someone... and it simply doesn't fit." "Too bad", Betty answered, still staring at Charlie's phone. "Such a pretty face..."

They got served and a for a while the subject changed to Betty's job. She was just working for a month and a couple of days at the office and Charlie wanted to know if Betty was happy with it. "Yeah, nice people! Everyone! No assholes, so far", she said with a touch of irony. "But it's fairly stressful. We've got a bunch of orders and I'm doing much overtime. So... you can file my decision to quit the other job because of too much work under 'epic fail'." The girls chuckled. "But I really like it, apart from that. They give me plenty of scope, I'm not bossed around like on the other job." Charlie was pulling a face and pursed her lips. "That's a huge benefit, believe me!" Betty was keen-eared at once.

"Is someone bossing you, honey? Is that the problem?" Charlie nodded. "Sorry to hear that. Who does?" Charlie tapped on the blacked-out display of her phone. "He does." "Oh no... What an asshole!" "Tell me about it." "So... you said... it was partly Seb who talked you into this. Who was the other one?" Charlie was sighing, tapping on her phone once more. "He did? How?! When?!?" "Right at the beginning. He's sent me a video message. Got me curious. He sounded nice." "Charlie! Honestly... since when are YOU falling for something - or someone - that easily?" Charlie blushed. "Uh-oh", Betty sighed. "What else do I need to know?" Charlie switched on her phone again. "Look at that. And watch closely." She showed her girlfriend a video on youtube which was taped some weeks ago at the Summer Fest in Milwaukee. "Aww...", Betty said. "'Love runs out'... what an infectious song... But why..." "Like I said: Watch closely." "Right. What should I look at, particularly?" "Wait til... uhm... around 1:37 or 1:38. You'll get it." So Betty watched... and suddenly was blushing herself. "Oh my God... is that what I think it is?!?" Charlie was just giving back the look. "Dunno. You tell me." Betty stared at the screen and when the video was over she said: "Sorry... I need to see that again. I don't trust my eyes." And she pressed "replay". Again she said: "OH MY GOD!" She put the phone down with a thud. "Sorry... That's..." Charlie nodded. "Yep." "It's a... BONER! I mean... it's not just a semi-erection..."

Charlie took her phone back and switched it off. "Never seen something like this before... live... on stage", she said. "Do you get it now?" Betty slowly nodded. "An emotional man, huh?" She took Charlie's hands. "That was what reeled you in." She didn't ask, it was just a statement. "Shit. Shit-shit-shit." Charlie had a helpless expression on her face. "Betty, sweetie... you know my history... Can you understand..." "Shhh... Honey... sure I do. And I can only guess the disappointment you've experienced." "No... you can't. Not in full." "Tell me, then." "On top of all... he's a married man. A happily married man... who's just fighting for his wife." Betty's face was so full of compassion Charlie almost started crying again.

"So... it's a tie. Something tells you to run - something tells you to stay. Need an advice?" "Desperately!" "Stay. Wait out. I think... if you're in love... he's worth it." "And... if I lose?"Betty softly touched her best friend's cheek, smiling. "You know... if you don't try... you've already failed."    

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