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"Quick! Get some poppy seeds!"

Nettlesplash nodded to her mentor, Gorseclaw. His milky white eye and his good one never got taken off of Minnowtail. The dark gray queen had been suffering Greencough, and Nettlesplash was worried, along with Gorseclaw, that her and the kits wouldn't make it.

"Go!" Gorseclaw flicked his tail sharply at her.

Nettlesplash dodged out if the nursery, the brambles scrapping her fur. She spotted her brother, Applefire. Applefire was also Minnowtail's mate, and worry was bristling his pelt. Skystar and his deputy, Fallenleaf, were sitting tightly together. Fallenleaf, a pretty light brown tabby, was also Nettlesplash's littermate. She disappeared into the den, swiftly grabbing poppy seeds. She backed out if the den, returning to the nursery without a backwards glance.

Gorseclaw nodded to her as he took the poppy seeds. He mixed them with Raspberry Leaves, Borage, Catmint and Chickweed into a poultice. He put the poultice in front if Minnowtail, who could barely lick up some of it.

"The first kits coming." He said, barely a whisper. "Come on, you need to help." He nudged the almost life-less queen.

Minnowtail flicked her ear, and closed her eyes. "O-ok."

A small bundle came. It was a fire-coloured kit, but Minnowtail didn't even move. "Minnowtail?" Nettlesplash asked quietly as Gorseclaw paused at licking the tiny thing.

"P-put her wh-where I can see h-her." The dark gray queen wheezed.

Gorseclaw set the kit beside her mother. "It's a she-kit."

Minnowtail took a glance at her only kit. "T-tell Applefire I want to name her T-Tawnykit."

Nettlesplash suddenly got the hint.

Minnowtail wasn't going to make it.

"I-ill tell him." She whispered to the queen. "Goodbye, Minnowtail."

Minnowtail smiled as she lay back down and gave another wheezy sigh. "I-ill watch you f-from starClan, T-Tawnykit." She closed her eyes, and gave a last sigh. Her flanks then stilled forever.

"I've got Tawnykit, you should go tell them the news." Gorseclaw mewed through the kit's scruff.

Nettlesplash nodded, stepping out of the nursery. She looked around, seeing Minnowtail's mate, and Nettlesplash's brother sitting with Minnowtail's sister, Salmontail. Skystar glanced up from his hushed conversation. Applefire stepped away from Salmontail, towards Nettlesplash. "What-what happened?"

Nettlesplash hung her head. She hadn't wanted to tell the clan such news. "Minnowtail is in StarClans paws now."

Salmontail let out a yowl of grief, joined by their mother, Sundance. Applefire, instead, just sat there, a sad look on his face. "The kits? Are they gone too?"

Nettlesplash swallowed. Looking back at Applefire, she cleared her throat. "Minnowtail still lives in her only kit. A she-kit named Tawnykit."

Applefire still looked calm. He thought for a moment, probably about the name. "Why is she named that?" He asked finally.

"Minnowtail asked me to tell you that he wanted to name her Tawnykit. She saw her and named her that before she died." Died. Nettlesplash still couldn't get over it. If she was a medicine cat, why couldn't she save one cat?

Applefire just nodded. "I trust you." He looked over her shoulder. "May I see her?"

Nettlesplash nodded. "She has some of your looks, Applefire. I bet that she has her mothers spirit."

Applefire nodded before vanishing in the den.

Nettlesplash looked to the stars. A shooting star flew past. "The tawny owl must fly to meet her destiny, but the dark thunder will bring pain and betrayal." She whispered to herself. "Help me StarClan, is RiverClan in trouble?"

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