Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Tawnyflame could barely stay on her paws. Sparrowleg had accidentally fallen asleep, and Stormcloud had to wake him up.

"Long night?" Reedstorm shivered. "Try doing it in leaf-bare."

Tawnyflame purred, nuzzling against him. "I think I'll stick with doing it in GreenLeaf."

Skystar padded forward. "The dawn patrol is waking up. Your free to sleep."

Tawnyflame yawned. "It's nice to guard in GreenLeaf." She padded for the warriors den. "Oh, and save some energy for me when I wake up!" She called over her shoulder to Reedstorm. She settled down in Reedstorm's nest. His soft smell put her to sleep faster then a fish could swim down a river.


Tawnyflame opened her eyes to see the dark musty forest again. The musty smell of burnt pines and oaks wafted in the air. A silver-and-white Tom slid out of the mist in front of her.

"Back again? Why did you come this time? For more battle training? Because this is what we are all about." Splashheart calmly meowed.

Tawnyflame stood up. She barely made it to his muzzle. "Now, now I am here to listen to your story." Tawnyflame stammered.

Splashheart smiled. "I once thought that if I got all of the clans to join together, we would all be stronger. We could use all of our strengths to drive out things more important, like foxes and badgers. But the clans didn't listen to me. So when my anger burst, I took ThinderClan's leaders last life. I also did it, because Cloudstar's father killed my mate, Pebblefoot. Now the clans are against me, but I plan on rising once again with cats from different clans. We shall fight for it all, and once we have all the clans leaders, they'll beg us for mercy. Then, I shall become Splashstar, leader of SplashClan. But I only do this for the good of the clans remember. I don't want to harm anyone, thats bad."

Tawnyflame thought for a moment. "I'll train with you for one night. Then I'll decide."

Splashheart grinned even more. "It would be a pleasure."

A/N hello! I'm finally really using your characters, Crazystar! I hope you like it so far!

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