Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter Thirty-Three

Tawnystar crashed into Whitefur. "You....You traitor! Cant you see that StarClan is the right side?"

Whitefur flicked his tail. "Wait! Wait! I'm sorry! I DO know that StarClan is the right way. I'm sorry for betraying them!" Tawnystar wasn't sure. "Here, I'll treat your wounds! Come into here!" Tawnystar let him go, watching him pad into the safety of some ferns. He nudged some red berries in front of her. "What are those?" She asked cautiously.

"Their...their Juniper Berries. Good for strength. Go ahead, eat them." Whitefur nudged them closer.

Tawnystar sniffed one. She decided that one couldn't hurt her, so she took one into her mouth.

"Whitefur! How could you?"

Tawnystar turned to see a red she-cat. She suddenly felt a churning feeling in her stomach, and it turned to pain. "White-Whitefur..." She murmured, the pain turning into a burning fire.

"Whitefur! You fed her DeathBerries? How could you?" The red she-cat screeched.

"Because I'm on The Dark Forests side. Redwhisker, how did you not guess? A medicine cat better at fighting then you?" Whitefur snarled. "I wanted to stay home from gatherings to train! I was happy to not go. All of those stupid leaders wasting our time... And StarClan! That stupid-"

Tawnystar heard nothing more as the blazing fire took over.


Tawnystar opened her eyes to see cats around her. She was in StarClan. "What happened?"

"You've lost your first life." Pinefoot came forward to greet her. "I wish I could've stayed for longer with RiverClan, but as I was writhing around in pain, I killed the warrior who killed me. It's a pretty good sacrifice for me."

Minnowtail and Applefire came over. "Minnowtail! Applefire!" Tawnystar exclaimed. "Your alright!"

"There's nothing to harm us up here." Applefire soothed her. "An I'm finally with your mother. Stay strong for us, Tawnystar."

A small face poked out from behind Minnowtail. "Are you leader?" He squeaked, eyes wide with shock.

Tawnystar bent down. "Yes. Are you Berrykit?"

The tiny kit nodded. "I'm Berrykit. Whats Maplekit and Honeykit doing?"

"Aspenfrost is protecting them from more warriors." Tawnystar explained.


Tawnystar turned to see Skystar. "What's wrong?"

Skystar dipped his head to her. "It's time for you to return. Whitefur needs to learn something. And his sister, Redwhisker will help you. Now close your eyes."

Tawnystar closed her eyes, letting herself go back to the battle.

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