Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Tawnyflame struggled to carry Skystar back. His weight dragged on the ground loosely, and she could feel tears coming in her eyes as she entered camp. She could hear murmurs of curiosity. She layed Skystar's limp form in the middle of the clearing before hopping onto SkyStone. "All...all cats old enough to swim, join here beneath SkyStone to hear what I have to say." Tawnyflame called out. The elders walked out stiffly, with warriors and apprentices following more slowly.

"What's wrong?" Clearsky meowed from the edge of the clearing, Cloudheart beside her. Cats had crowded around Skystar's body, not letting them see.

Tawnyflame sighed. "Skystar has lost his last life." She declared.

A wail went up from Cloudheart, who slumped down beside Clearsky.

"And it was caused by a loose dog." Tawnyflame finished. "We will sit vigil for him tonight." Tawnyflame sighed. She was supposed to fight Whitefur tonight. Well, she would fall asleep before long.

Cats let up wails of grief. "Skystar! Skystar! Skystar! Skystar!"

Tawnyflame gulped. Would they accept her as their leader? "I will travel tomorrow to receive my nine lives."

Everybody sat in silence until Sunpaw stood up. "Tawnystar! Tawnystar!" Stormcloud, Sparrowleg and Applefire joined In and before long the whole clan was cheering. Tawnyflame settled them down with a flick of her tail. "I am very proud to be your leader. But you must call me Tawnyflame until I receive my nine lives. Then, you may call me Tawnystar."

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