Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Tawnypaw followed her mothers figure. She was a small dark gray she-cat. She hopped over a small log, with Tawnypaw scrambling after her. They finally made it to a starry land. Tawnypaw could see the clans ancestors. They were entering from WindClan border, as could just make out a patrol of cats hunting down a rabbit.

"We've got a lot of ground to cover, while you've got so much time till you have to wake up." Minnowtail urged Tawnypaw to keep walking.

"Can we race?" Tawnypaw wondered if she just got speed from genes. Of course, Applefire never liked to run, so she had never wanted to race him.

"Why not? It'll pass the time." Minnowtail beckoned Tawnypaw over. "Ready? Set? Go!"

Minnowtail and Tawnypaw sprinted forward. Minnowtail pushed ahead of Tawnypaw, but Tawnypaw kept on trying. Eventually, Minnowtail won.

"Sedgepaw headed off with his father. Lets go." Minnowtail steered Tawnypaw away from the camp. Tawnypaw could hear splashing and purring. Minnowtail stepped out from a bush and Tawnypaw saw Sedgepaw with a flame-coloured Tom. "The Tom is Redheart. He also was your fathers littermate." Minnowtail instructed.

Redheart stopped playing. "Minnowtail! You brought...another?" Red hearts ears dropped.

Sedgepaw raced over, licking Tawnypaws ear. "It's only Tawnypaw! She's not dead!" He purred.

Tawnypaw looked down. "I can't see you anymore." Her heart sank. Losing Sedgepaw felt like her whole world was ending.

"No, no." Sedgepaw replied with a more dignified voice. "It was my destiny, Tawnypaw. Listen here,

You can't change your destiny, but you have to know what it is and accept it."

Tawnypaw felt relieved to know Sedgepaw was ok. "Did it hurt?"

Sedgepaw purred, amused. "I really just fell asleep but when I opened my eyes I was in StarClan."

Minnowtail stepped forward. "You've been here long enough. Just try to stay away from the Dark Forest. They know how to trick cats."

Tawnypaw closed her eyes, drinking in the warm smell of her mother before it vanished...



Tawnypaw grumbled, rolling over.

"Tawnypaw! ShadowClan is coming to attack!"

Tawnypaw immediately sat up. She had only been an apprentice for three moons, how could she fight? "Where do I come in?"

"Fallenleaf is just putting out patrols, come on!" Reedstorm flicked his tail for her to follow.

Tawnypaw stood up, racing over to SkyStone.

"Skystar, Birdwhistle, Weedwhisker, Applefire, Hailheart, Clearsky, Silvershadow, Rainstorm, Duskpaw, Sparrowpaw, Stormpaw and I shall go outside the camp walls to fight. Bluestorm, Pinefoot, Mintleaf, Whiteclaw, Reedstorm, and Tawnypaw shall stay in camp to guard the nursery. We shall have enough time for you to get elders inside safely." Fallenleaf was putting an extra patrol to save the kits, queens, and elders. Mostly because of Grayclaw.

"Come on you big lug!" Reedstorm poked her side.

Tawnypaw ran to the center of the clearing. It was still dark out, and the moon dappled Sedgepaw's bracken-coloured pelt. "We need to get him inside!"

Reedstorm licked her ear. "The kits would be scared."

"We could put him in the apprentice den. It's the third most protected den in camp." Tawnypaw grabbed his scruff and began pulling him towards the apprentice den. Reedstorm lifted his bottom half to help.

"ShadowClan, attack!"

"RiverClan! Attack!"

The leaders voices were cut off my screeches of pain and fury. Reedstorm and Tawnypaw hurried over to the apprentice den, and lay him down on his old nest. Tawnypaw licked his flank before backing out. "Any warriors come in yet?"

"No. But Mintleaf and Whiteclaw went to keep them out of camp." Reedstorm answered, shifting his paws restlessly.

"But that means there's only you, me, Pinefoot and Bluestorm in camp!" Tawnypaw could see why he was restless.

Bluestorm was pacing in from of the nursery, her fur fluffed up, her teeth drawn back in a snarl. Pinefoot was sitting in front of the nursery, his eyes fixed on the entrance.

Tawnypaw squeaked in surprise as three warriors entered camp. Bluestorm went for one, while Pinefoot went for another. Reedstorm bolted away from Tawnypaw, landing on the thirds back. Tawnypaw followed him, nipping at his legs. A deafening screech came from behind Tawnypaw, but it was cut off with a bubbling sound. The one who was fighting Bluestorm ripped Tawnypaw away from the tom she and Reedstorm were fighting. She spin around, and charged at the tom. He sidestepped, but she twisted in her leap, and landed on his shoulders. he dropped down, and she let her grip go loose. Once he powered up, Tawnypaw nimbly leapt off his back. He spun around, but she reared up, slashing with her forepaws. He dodged, leaping for her tail, but Tawnypaw whisked her tail away from him. She raked her claws down his side as he leapt. Eventually, the three warriors had no choice but to retreat.


Tawnypaw spun around, terrified. But what she saw was even more terrifying.

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