Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Tawnyflame padded to the gathering alone. Reedstorm had got his leg stuck in a fox-trap, so he couldn't go. He was also confined to the medicine den for a week. Tawnyflame's pelt ruffled as a leaf-fall breeze past. They had finally made it to the fallen tree. One-by-one cats crossed, and Tawnyflame went second, being deputy. Cats wreathed everywhere, and she smelt ThunderClan. But it was only a flame coloured Tom. She padded over to him. "Hello."

He looked up at her, and sorrow filled his gaze. He shook it away, and answered with a numb, "hello."

"Who are you?" Tawnyflame asked.

"My name's Flamepaw." He answered shyly.

"I'm sorry, but it's my first gathering too." Tawnyflame apologized.

Flamepaw nodded. "What's your name?"

"Tawnyflame." She answered.

Flamepaw looked shocked. "Your a warrior?"

Tawnyflame felt shock prick her. Were all ThunderClan cats rude? "Uh, yeah. I'm deputy."

"Deputy? Who's your leader?" Flamepaw asked, now excited.

"He's called Skystar. He's the white one." He flicked her tail to Skystar.

"My leader's name is Crazystar. She's my mother." Flamepaw looked excited.

"Don't you have any siblings?" She asked him.

"Yeah, Blazekit." He answered glumly, his excitement gone.

Tawnyflame sighed as Heatherstar started talking. "Why isn't he an apprentice like you?"

"He...hit a bump in the road." Flamepaw obviously didn't want to talk about it.

"My mother died while giving birth to me and I have no siblings at all." Tawnyflame sighed at saying this. "GreenCough hurts every cat here."

Skystar spoke. "We have a new apprentice, Sunpaw! And sadly, Gorseclaw and Fallenleaf got...murdered." Cats gasped. WindClan stayed unnervingly silent, with only few ShadowClan cats looking around wildly. "Our new deputy is Tawnyflame."

Cheers exploded, until the one little hairball shouted, "oh no! Not her!"

Everybody went silent, and Tawnyflame gave Whitefur a death glare. Flamepaw looked stunned. "I'm so sorry, our medicine cat-"

"Medicine cat?" Tawnyflame interrupted. "Oh, sorry."

"Whitefur just received his warrior name yesterday. Honestly, he doesn't do much but complain all day. He even complains about my brother having to stay in his and Honeywhiskers care!" Flamepaw said, digging his claws into the peaty soil.

Tawnyflame shrugged as the cats started moving about. "It's the end now. Go join ThunderClan."

Flamepaw nodded. "I never thought that I would meet such a nice cat!" He called over his shoulder as they padded away from each other.

Skystar met her. "What happened?" He asked.

"I honestly don't know." Tawnyflame lied. "Not all clan cats are that nice."

Skystar sighed before starting to lead them away. "I can't believe

a cat could do that. What's wrong with ThunderClan cats this moon?"

"You don't say, but I met another apprentice, and he's very friendly." She meowed.

"What did he tell you?" Skystar wanted to keep the conversation going. Maybe it's because it chased away the cold leaf-fall air.

"He told me that Whitefur got his warrior name yesterday and that his brother got into an accident forcing him to stay a kit." Tawnyflame explained.

"Did you ever plan on having kits?" Skystar asked suddenly.

"Maybe, maybe not. Only if my clan is thriving well enough to have me gone. But trust me, I'll always be able to protect my clan, whatever it takes." Tawnyflame explained.

"Your mother said the same thing." Skystar sighed. "She said that no matter what it took, the clan always came first. She promised your father before you were born that whatever happens, it's for the good of the clans."

Tawnyflame sighed as the entered camp. "Goodnight, Skystar."


Tawnyflame spun around. "Yes?"

"Would you think a leader could invite his mate to sleep with him?"

"Yes." She answered calmly. "I would."

Skystar nodded. "Goodnight, Tawnyflame." He then set off for the elders den.

Tawnyflame sighed before turning around to go to the medicine den.

"Tawnyflame! What do you need?" Nettlesplash greeted her.

"Reedstorm." She whispered.

Nettlesplash nodded. "Come with me." She weaved through the rocks and came upon a trail, leading to different dens. Each of them could hold one cat. Nettlesplash flicked her tail to the furthest one. "He's there."

Tawnyflame nodded to Nettlesplash. "Thank you." She then sprinted towards where her live lay.

"Nettlesplash? You promised me I wouldn't have to eat anymore herbs until tomorrow." Reedstorm sighed, watching the wall.

Tawnyflame curled herself around him. "It's only me." She sighed before letting dreams take her away.


"Splashheart! Did you hear what that little pest said to me?" Tawnyflame yowled, outraged. "He shouldn't be talking! He's barely more then an apprentice! If only you hadn't told me to not fight that night he wouldn't disrupt the whole gathering! He could at LEAST keep it to himself!"

Splashheart waited patiently. "He's a great fighter, we need him on our side."

Tawnyflame grunted. "When do I fight him next?"

"Tomorrow night." Splashheart said calmly. "Now go back to RiverClan, the dawn patrol has just left."

Tawnyflame closed her eyes, irritated. "Fine." She opened her eyes to see Reedstorm still sleeping in front of her. "I'll train myself today. And let Sunpaw clean out the nursery." She whispered to herself.

She would beat that hairball.

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