Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

Tawnystar got up, padding to the medicine cats den. Nettlesplash was busy sorting herbs, and hadn't noticed her. "Uh, Nettlesplash?"

Nettlesplash jumped, dropping the herbs she was holding. "Oh! Hello Tawnystar. Did you need anything?"

Tawnystar shrugged. "Just wondering if Reedstorm can get back on duties."

Nettlesplash sighed. "Not yet. I think I'll need him to stay in camp longer then a week. But he's free to walk around camp now."

"Can I go see him?" Tawnystar asked hopefully.

"Oh, sure. But tell him to come to me if anything happens." Nettlesplash agreed.

Tawnystar dipped her head to Nettlesplash. "Thanks for all of this."

Nettlesplash just shrugged. "It's what I'm supposed to do."

Tawnystar sped off to see Reedstorm. "Reedstorm!" She yowled.

"Tawnystar?" He answered.

Tawnystar curled up beside him. "Nettlesplash says you can walk around camp now."

Reedstorm flicked his tail happily. "I can finally stop worrying about you, I can see you."

Tawnystar stood up. "Come on!"

Reedstorm stood up. "Mind you, I might be a little slow."

Tawnystar licked his ear. "I'd stay with you forever." He slowly started walking. His leg wobbled, and he started not putting pressure on it. "No, you have to walk on it. Then you'll get used to it."

Reedstorm shrugged. "Maybe I shouldn't go into camp today."

"But you have to start walking again! You can't limp your whole life!" Tawnystar protested.

Reedstorm sat down. "I'm not going into camp for all of those cats to see me struggle."

"Then..." Tawnystar thought wildly for an idea. Suddenly Tawnystar got one. "Then you will train to walk on this trail."

Reedstorm looked behind him. "Really?"

"Nobody comes here, unless their injured or sick. Nobody comes back here other then me and Nettlesplash." Tawnystar explained. "I could easily come back here every evening after training-" Tawnystar gasped. "I've gotta go! I'll be back this evening!" She turned around quickly, sprinting out of the Medicine Cats Den. "Sunpaw! Sunpaw wake up!"

Sunpaw padded out of the den, eyes bright. "What are we doing today?" She asked sleepily.

"We...we will practice fighting again." Tawnystar whipped around, heading for the entrance.

"Wait for me! Sunpaw raced after her.

"Hurry up! I let you sleep in today." Tawnystar purred.

"No, you kept me waiting. What were you doing?" Sunpaw asked eagerly.

"That's for me to know and you to keep your nose out of." Tawnystar flicked her tail along Sunpaw's spine. "It's about time I made the other three apprentices, warriors."

"They've only been training for 3 moons!" Sunpaw protested.

"Now now, they've been training for Four moons." Tawnystar stopped as she remembered something. "Great StarClan... Tonight's the gathering."

Sunpaw bounced around. "Yep! Am I coming?"

"Of course! Your my apprentice, I wouldn't miss it." Tawnystar smiled at her apprentice. What if she had kits of her own with Reedstorm? The thought made her smile.

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