Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Once Tawnystar got back to camp and the publicity with her clan died down, she rested in her den for a minute. She needed to do something...she couldn't just come back and say I'm your leader. She needed to call StarClan and let them know her clan trusted her. Suddenly, Duskpaw and Creekpaw came to mind. She would give them their warrior names! Tawnystar swiftly backed out of her den, and leapt up SkyStone. "Let all cats old enough to swim join here beneath SkyStone to hear what I have to say." Cats slid out of their dens like shadows, murmuring. They whispered with one another, then cast rabbit-swift glances at Tawnystar. "Duskpaw, Creekpaw, please step forward." The two apprentices exchanged excited glances before walking up to SkyStone. "I, Tawnystar, leader of RiverClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code as long as you shall live?"

The apprentices nodded eagerly. "I do!"

She looked at Duskpaw. "Duskpaw. From this day forward, you shall be known as Duskwater. RiverClan honours your skill and wits. We welcome you as a full warrior in our clan."

Tawnystar looked at Creekpaw, who was watching her mother waddle out of the nursery. Aspenfrost was expecting Rainstorms second litter of kits, and she looked as if she could blow. "Creekpaw. From this day forward, you shall be known as Creeksplash. RiverClan honours your strength and perseverance. We welcome you as a full warrior in our clan."

"Duskwater! Creeksplash! Duskwater! Creeksplash!" The clan cheered loudly. Now Tawnystar knew, she was their leader.


"Splashheart! I got my nine lives!" She called out to the silver-and-white Tom.

He slid out of some ferns. "Good... Now are you ready to fight again?"

"Who am I fighting?" Tawnystar asked quickly.

"Whitefur, or, The little white furball." He smiled.

Tawnystar bowed her head in embarrassment. "It's true."

Splashheart chuckled slowly. "Thornwhisker, go get your apprentice." He flicked his tail at Thornwhisker and he dashed away. "I need to go watch another battle tonight. Smokewhisker, I guarantee that you will train her before the battle?"

Smokewhisker nodded. "We will start with the colliding in mid-air." Smokewhisker turned to Tawnystar as Splashheart padded away through the mist. "I can't believe he's happy with you! You aren't fast enough, and he knows what your going to do when you prepare! Our first thing is when you twist in mid-air. You twist too early, and if he hadn't used your warning, he could have sidestepped again. You have to be whiskers away. Then, you latch your claws on his shoulders and let yourself be flung onto him. Correct?" He snarled.

Tawnystar rolled her eyes. "Look. I was deputy, and now I'm leader. I don't have eight paws to help me do this, do your just going to have to be patient with these four. I'll try, but your not correct. If he had time to sidestep, he would. Or does he not know how to do that. Or is it because he's a medicine cat? I didn't think you actually used a medicine cat apprentice. I can't believe it. Now, lets practice. I'm going to leap. Now stay there." She pinpointed where he was, standing, and as she saw Smokewhisker going to untense, she quickly soared over the ground, and as he only had time to sidestep once, she twisted, hooking her claws into his fur. She then held him down, raking her back claws down his back. "I'm thinking that you need the training more then me." She whispered. As she got off, she could see blood drawn all over his pelt, and fur clumps where se had scraped him.

Smokewhisker glared at her. "Don't get your hopes up, Whitefur is yet to come."

"And yet I only have your blood on my claws. I'm afraid your little medicine cat won't be happy." He taunted him. "Looking at you and then at me."

Whitefur and Thornwhisker appeared. Thornwhisker gasped. "What happened here?"

Tawnystar shrugged. "Me."

A/N so Tawnystar got mad. And shredded her 'mentor'. I hope he has Allstate.

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