Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

"REDWHISKER!" Tawnystar yowled, racing back to the edge. She managed to get a strong grip on Redwhisker.

"That's right Tawnykit. Even if our weight combined doesn't make you come over the edge to your death as well, and you pull Redwhisker up, your leading me to safety also." Whitefur snarled.

"I do." Redwhisker suddenly whispered. What in the name of StarClan? She then looked up at Tawnystar. "Let go."

Tawnystar still held on. Letting a warrior go? But if it was what she wished..."Your a true warrior, Redwhisker. May StarClan light your path." Filled with sorrow, Tawnystar opened her jaws, feeling Redwhisker's scruff falling away. She watched, horrified, as they tumbled to the ground, twisting in the air. Whitefur hit the ground first, with a terrifying crack. Redwhisker, however, had fallen more slowly. Instead of a crack, she landed with a sickening thud. Tawnystar's heart felt heavy, leading the burden of letting a warrior drop to her death. Paws heavy with sorrow, she looked back at Reedstorm. Whitefur, her biggest enemy, gone like that? Tawnystar sat next to him, his blood-stained fur brushing hers. It calmed her, and she sunk in his fur, suddenly thinking about kits. "What would you say if we had kits?"

"I would say why not." He answered, smiling.

A huge shriek filled the air, and Tawnystar saw Crazystar's teeth wedged into Splashheart's neck. "Splashheart, I PROMISE, you will never get any of your claws, or your followers claws, on our kits fur." She promised.

"You'll be a great mother." Reedstorm whispered. "The best of them all."

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