Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Tawnypaw stumbled back to camp, exhausted. Bluestorm and Applefire had stayed back with her, while Cloudheart had run off to tell Skystar.

"We just need to get past the river. Then we can eat." Applefire murmured at the sound of growling.

"Oops! That was me." Tawnypaw smiled.

Bluestorm lifted her head up and tasted the air. "Mouse!" She whipped around, slowly stalking it. She leapt, and delivered the kill bite.

"One mouse...that's never going to feed the warriors let alone the elders." Applefire sighed.

"Maybe we could fish?" Tawnypaw suggested.

"Hey, we should." Bluestorm nodded at Tawnypaw before racing forward.

Tawnypaw bounced up after her. "We need to cross the river!"

Bluestorm purred. "Why?"

Tawnypaw racked her brain. She could never remember these things. Then suddenly, it came. "Because the fish will see our shadows!"

Applefire nodded. "Very good. Now, go on."

"Can I swim across?" Tawnypaw asked.

"Well..." Applefire seemed to have troubles.

"I'm a strong swimmer!" Tawnypaw said eagerly.

"I don't know..." Applefire looked unsure.

"Oh, let her swim. A tree won't fall out of the sky." Bluestorm lashed her tail, irritated.

"But she's not yours!" Applefire lashed his tail also.

"I fostered her!" Bluestorm and Applefire were whiskers apart.

"You still can't decide about her! You don't even know how I feel!"

"But I had kits! And sometimes you have to let them go."

"Well, I'm not letting her go!"

Tawnypaw sat there, stunned. "Uhm, Applefire? Can I swim now?"

Applefire spun around, looking guilty. "O-ok." He stammered.

Bluestorm nodded eagerly to Tawnypaw. "Go for it."

Tawnypaw whipped around, leaping into the air. She crashed into the water, and loved how it soothed her muscles. It's tang slowly fell away as she got up on the other shore.

Bluestorm nudged him. "See? No tree."

Tawnypaw raced off for the RacingRocks. She slithered clumsily onto them, and stared down. She could just see a pool of carp. Carp! The queens would love some! "Applefire-"

"Go do it."

Tawnypaw looked around wildly. "Who are you?"

"A tree. Who do you think I am?"

"A tree."

"Well, just go down there and fetch one."


"Hook it onto your claws, bring it to your mouth, deliver the kill bite, swim back up."

Tawnypaw shrugged. "Ok." She dove into the water, and swam down. She could see a school of fat carp. She unsheathed her claws, hooked one, and brought it to the surface before giving the killing bite.

"Great! Now your doing it." The voice whispered, disappearing.

Applefire was on the bank, Bluestorm at his side. "Come on! Lets go! Skystar called a meeting!"

Tawnypaw grabbed her carp before racing after them.


"-you are now known as Duskpaw. Your mentor will be Birdwhistle."

"Creekpaw! Duskpaw! Creekpaw! Duskpaw!" The clan cheered their names. Tawnypaw smiled. Them only being two moons younger, they were almost her size. Maybe as big as her.

Skystar flicked his tail for them to settle down. He turned to where Hailpaw and Reedpaw sat, side-by-side. "Hailpaw and Reedpaw. Come forward."

Hailpaw cautiously stepped forward, Reedpaw hiding behind him. "There comes a time when two cats show certain strength, skill, and loyalty. So I assume, that I must not delay their warrior ceremony."

Hailpaw smiled, and his eyes brightened. But Reedpaw looked behind him, sorrowfully at Tawnypaw. Tawnypaw blushed before looking down at her paws.

"Hailpaw, Reedpaw. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code for as long as you shall live?"

Hailpaw and Reedpaw exchanged looks before answering in unison, "I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names." He turned to Hailpaw. "Hailpaw. From this day forward you shall be known as Hailheart. StarClan honours your strength and wisdom." He then turned to Reedpaw. "Reedpaw. From this day forward I give you your warrior name, Reedstorm. StarClan honours your quick thinking and strength."

"Hailheart! Reedstorm! Hailheart! Reedstorm!" The clan cheered louder then ever.

Tawnypaw raced over to Reedstorm. "Reedstorm!"

Reedstorm whipped around. "It's going to feel weird without you."

Tawnypaw licked his ear. "I'm sure ill be back with you soon."

He licked her ear back. "I'm fine with that."

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