Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"It must be us!" She whispered to Stormkit.

But Stormkits eyes were already shining, sparkling with anticipation.

"I didn't think he would do it today!" Bluestorm was hurrying towards them, looking flustered."Look at you!"

Tawnykit looked down at her pelt, guilt pricking in her belly when it was mud-stained from running in the forest.

"Quick! Wash!"

But it was too late.

"Stormkit, Sedgekit, Sparrowkit and Tawnykit. Please step forward."

Tawnykits denmates immediately stepped forward, through the crowd, but Tawnykit stayed back, ashamed of her scruffy, dusty pelt. What would her clan mates think?

"Go on." Bluestorm nudged her. "Your pelt means nothing. Your spirit is what he wants."(that sounds possessed)

Taking a deep breath, Tawnykit stepped forward, after her denmates. Stormkit was looking down at her with glee, Sedgekit looking up at Skystar, and Sparrowkit sat next to her, his fur brushing hers and his eyes glittering.

Skystar gazed down. "You have been with us for six moons. You have come to know your clan mates, and now it is time for you to experience what they do for yourselves."

Tawnykit looked at her father, who was watching intently. Why did she have to look like a mess?

"Stormkit." Skystar beckoned him forward. "Until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Stormpaw. Your mentor will be Pinefoot. Teach him all you know."

Skystar beckoned Sedgekit over. "Sedgekit, until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Sedgepaw." Skystar scanned the crowd of cats for a mentor. "Rainstorm, you shall mentor Sedgepaw. You had a fine mentor in Grayclaw, and I hope that you pass down what he taught you."

Skystar beckoned Sparrowkit to come forward. "Sparrowkit. Until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Sparrowpaw. Weedwhisker, you trained Clearsky well, and I hope you train Sparrowpaw with the same energy."

Finally, Skystar looked down on Tawnykit. Her legs started to tremble, and even her long fiery coloured fur couldn't hide it. "Tawnykit. Until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Tawnypaw." Skystar turned to Cloudheart. "Cloudheart, you had a marvelous mentor in Lionclaw, and I expect that you pass his knowledge down. You shall mentor Tawnypaw."

Tawnypaw stepped forward and touched noses awkwardly with Cloudheart. She then went to sit next to her denmates. Stormpaw licked her flank.

"Stormpaw! Sedgepaw! Sparrowpaw! Tawnypaw! Stormpaw! Sedgepaw! Sparrowpaw! Tawnypaw!" The clan cheered their names.

Bluestorm rushed over. "Now, when you get your warrior name, Tawnypaw, I expect you to look a bit better." She licked Tawnypaws forehead gleefully before wrapping her own kits in licks.

"Tawnykit- I mean Tawnypaw."

Tawnypaw looked over her shoulder to see Reedpaw. "What is it?" She asked politely.

"I made you a nest, come on. It's already dusk." Reedpaw said, blushing.

Tawnypaw flicked her tail. "I have one more thing to do before I go into my new nest."

"Ok." Reedpaw nodded before turning around, walking into the Apprentice den.

Tawnypaw didn't waste anytime before she sped off, looking for her father. He was there, pride shining in his eyes. "Your mother must've seen that from StarClan." He covered her in licks.

"Ok, ok. I need to be ready for tomorrow!" Tawnypaw broke away from him.

"Ok." He sighed. "But I'll make sure to watch over you."

"I'm not a kit anymore!" Tawnypaw called over her shoulder as she burst into the apprentice den.

Reedpaw was sitting in his own nest, with Hailpaw asleep in his nest beside Reedpaw. Reedpaw paused. "This is your den." He flicked his tail at the nest beside his.

Tawnypaw was about to complain and ask if she could sleep beside her usual denmates, but Reedpaw was prepared.

"Stormpaw sleeps next to you and Sedgepaw and Sparrowpaw will sleep on the other side of Hailpaw."

Tawnypaw had just lied in her nest when Stormpaw, Sedgepaw and Sparrowpaw came in. Reedpaw explained where they slept, and they all filed in. Tawnypaw closed her eyes, Stormpaw and Reedpaw's soft breathing putting her to sleep.

Tawnypaw was finally an apprentice.

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