Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Skystar immediately started calling cats. "Aspenfrost, Poppyleaf, Blacklight, Applefire, Thunderpaw, Clearpaw, Birdwhistle, Weedwhisker and Rainstorm will guard the entrance. Fallenleaf, Cloudsky, Whiteclaw and Mintleaf, you will get all the kits and elders into the nursery. Once you have done that, you shall join us outside camp. Nettlesplash and Gorseclaw, stay unnoticed and stay unhurt." He then rounded up the patrol to go outside the tunnel. With a flick of his tail, they set out.

"My kit! Where is she?" Bluestorm called out desperately.

"Right here!" Tawnykit bounced around until Bluestorm grasped her by the scruff, carrying her into the nursery. Once all the elders were in, the four cats went to go help in battle.

Cats screeched in pain and fury, while the kits and elders hid in the nursery. Suddenly, a black face poked into the nursery. The Tom smiled, and backed out. Before long, he crashed in, followed by three more warriors. Tawnykit watched in horror as Bluestorm and Silvershadow took on a Tom, Frostflight and Lionclaw taking another, and the youngest elder, Grayclaw, battled the original Tom. Sundance had wrapped herself around the six kits. Tawnykit struggled to help fight. Eventually, she broke free, and rushed to the side of Grayclaw.

"Get out, Tawnykit." Grayclaw murmured, ducking under the Tom, twisting and biting the toms back leg. Tawnykit focused on the toms back, and leapt up. She planted her tiny, sharp claws in his shoulders, and when he dropped onto his back to squish Tawnykit, Grayclaw took the advantage to jump onto the Tom and start scraping his belly as Tawnykit slithered out.

But that's where things went wrong.

The Tom slatched his claws over Grayclaws throat, and Grayclaw fell to the ground. Tawnykit leaped onto the toms back again, and as he tried to fall on his back again, Tawnykit jumped off. As soon as his back fell to the ground, Tawnykit clawed his muzzle. Stunned by the pain, Tawnykit seeked the time to jump onto his belly and scratch his belly. He jumped to his paws, spinning around to face her. He swept his right forepaw at her, but she unsheathed her claws and jumped at it. She sunk her teeth and claws into his paw, and he let out a yowl of pain. He shook her off, and disappeared. The other two toms raced away after their clan mate.

"Grayclaw!" A saddened yowl came from behind Tawnykit. She spun around, and padded over to where he lay. The other elders and the two queens were already there.

Grayclaw lay in his own pool of blood. He was gasping and wheezing for breath. "Th-thank you, T-Tawnykit." He wheezed once again before he let out his last breath.

"No!" Sundance yowled. "Come back to us! Grayclaw!"

Bluestorm turned to face Tawnykit. "What did he mean by thanking you?"

Tawnykit gulped."I helped him fight..."

Bluestorm gasped. "You did what?"

Silvershadow snorted. "Do you have ears, Bluestorm? She said she helped Grayclaw." She sat down and started licking her paw. "You see, not a scrape on her. Don't worry."

Bluestorm licked Tawnykits forehead. "Don't ever do that again."

Tawnykit smiled. "I can't promise anything."

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