Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Tawnyflame opened her eyes. Guilt churned in her belly when she saw she was in the Dark Forest. "Back so soon?" Splashheart mocked her.

Tawnyflame eyed him. "What do you want me back here for?"

Splashheart grinned. "Well, you said you would decide."

Tawnyflame thought a moment. "I'll train."

A gray Tom slid out of the trees. "You called me."

Splashheart nodded to the Tom. "This is Smokewhisker. After tonight you will be training with him."

Tawnyflame eyed the Tom. "As long as he poses good training skills."

Splashheart lashed his tail. "Good. Now attack me."

Tawnyflame growled, making sure her fur was slicked down. She leapt at Splashheart, and as he sidestepped, she changed her course, landing on his shoulders. "Good?" She wondered.

"Great. I can't see why those StarClan fools don't train such marvelous cats." He grinned.

Tawnyflame sunk her claws into his back. "They aren't such fools. They know tricks, but they don't know-"

"Why are we training her? She's as small as a kit!"

Tawnyflame whipped her head around to see a white ThunderClan Tom walking behind a dark brown Tom. "I'll let you know, that I do have claws, ThunderClan kit."

Splashheart walked forward. "Let's go. I can hear StarClan cats coming." He padded away from their clearing. Tawnyflame sighed, walking after him.

"Fine. Take your pathetic leader. He won't help you in your days to come. StarClan, even your wimpy leaders with their wimpy nine lives won't save you." The brown Tom nudged the most familiar pelt in her life.

It was Skystar.

The white Tom from ThunderClan was glaring at her leader like he was a piece of CrowFood. She eyed him suspiciously before Splashheart said something, breaking her thoughts. "Go back to your own world now. And don't overestimate your pathetic excuse for a leader."

Tawnyflame reluctantly closed her eyes. When she opened them, she was in her nest. "I'll show you who's pathetic soon. And It might be your lousy excuse for a battle patrol."

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