Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"RiverClan! Attack!"

The badger lifted its paw up in astonishment. Cats appeared through the bushes, slashing at it. Tawnypaw wriggled away, looking at the cats. The two dark blue/gray pelts slashing were Rainstorm and Bluestorm. Applefire and his patrol with Silvershadow, Blacklight, Mintleaf and Birdwhistle had also come. Applefire leapt on its shoulders as Silvershadow bit one back leg. Birdwhistle bit the other leg as Blacklight clawed its face. Mintleaf ducked under the badger, clawing its belly. Then she ducked under it again and repeated. Cloudheart had just raked her claws down its side as Rainstorm's apprentice, Sedgepaw came over to her.

"You ok?" He licked her flank.

"Just...shock." Tawnypaw realized that Cloudheart must have gone to camp as soon as she saw the badger.

"Ok..." Sedgepaw looked unconvinced.

"I promise!" Tawnypaw rolled her eyes. Her denmates acted as if it would be the end of the world if she died.

Sedgepaw shrugged. "You've always been my little sister..."

Tawnypaw flicked her tail irritatingly. "Its not like a tree fell on my head."

Sedgepaw got up. "Don't scare us like that!" He called over his shoulder as he ran back to the battle. He leapt on the badger and helped Applefire shred its back. Eventually, they drove it back.

Applefire took command at once. "Birdwhistle, Blacklight, Clearsky, Sedgepaw, Rainstorm. Go make sure it's off our territory."

The warriors each dipped their heads to him before racing off. Bluestorm, Cloudheart, and Applefire then ran to Tawnypaw.

"I thought it got you!" Bluestorm yowled before covering Tawnypaw with licks.

"Fast thinking." Cloudheart praised. "You even didn't run back to camp."

Applefire purred. "Just like your mother. She attacked a dog once."

Tawnypaw beamed with pride. "I did it for my clan."

A/N thanks for reading! I've had two people who have been commenting, big thanks to...



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