Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Tawnyflame fixed her eyes on a tree trunk. She leapt, and twisted in mid-air, landing on its flat surface. She then pretended it did the submission trick, and only loosened her grip to jump off lightly as it gathered back up. She then stood on her hind legs, swiping at the tree's bark. She felt satisfied when her claws left deep gouges in its bark. She then let it 'jump' at her tail, and she whisked it away, hooking her claws into its 'fur' and pulling it down. She held it down with her forepaws and raked her back claws down it's stomach. She felt very satisfied when she saw deep gouges in the bark after half a day of training. Poor Sunpaw had to actually clean out the elders den, because she was the last kit in there. Birdwhistle had continued her duties as a warrior.

A loud yowl sounded nearby. It was terror and anger mixed together. Tawnyflame leapt through the undergrowth, tearing up grass as she raced through the trees. But she only saw the glimpse of a dog before she noticed Skystar laying on his side. Blood pooled out of his wounds, too deep to care. "YOU MONSTER!" she screeched, flinging herself onto the dog. She tore out clumps of its fur with her back legs, clinging on with her forepaws for dear life. The dog thrashed around, finally ripping Tawnyflame off. She lashed out, standing on her hind paws. Her claws raked the dogs muzzle, and it raced away, howling with pain. Tawnyflame turned to Skystar. "Skystar! Come on, we need to get you to Nettlesplash. After she fixes-"

"No." Skystar murmured, blood bubbling in his throat. "This is my last life, and I have to say that my time on earth is finished. Your time is just beginning."

"I wasn't prepared for being deputy, but I'll never be able to lead my clan!" Tawnyflame almost wailed her grief like a kit.

"You're going to start a family. Reedstorm is a loving mate, and I'm sure he would love some kits." Skystar gasped for breath. "Lead well, Tawnyflame. Or I should say...Tawnystar." He closed his eyes and his flanks stopped moving.

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