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I sighed, closing my eyes. Who the f*ck would take my work? And if they were going to do that, then shouldn't they at least give it to me later? After everyone around here knew what happened, who would be jerk enough to just take it, and not say anything?

"Which one of them took it?" I asked the Director.

The Director gestured over to where the actors were sitting in the front row. "Platinum blonde one, can't miss him."

I could actually spot him from here. I remembered him, he was the one that had been in the room last night. I walked down the aisle, going directly to the front, and going right up to him.

When he saw me, he looked up from his phone and smiled. Though he was in costume, sitting with one leg over the other, the donkey head sitting next to him in a chair, he reminded me of the sound the breeze makes over a microphone.

"Hey, could you give me my music back? I didn't say you could have it." I said, an annoyed, purple tone in my voice.

He looked up, mouth open, nodding slightly. "Yup, okay, but did you really say I couldn't though?" He said, going back to his phone.

"What the f*ck are you talking about? You can't just take my stuff I--!"

"Shhh, child, it's alright, take a step back, find a bunny to hug." He said, then smirked, not looking up from the screen. "Playboy bunnies work too."

I frowned. "I'm not a child! Oh my god, what's wrong with you? Just give me my sheet music back!" Why am I having to deal with all the weirdos lately? First that guy with the wrong number, now this guy. You'd think he'd cut me a break considering what had happened yesterday.

"Ok, but first, apologize, and second, can you give me a piggy back ride?"


He got up. "What?" He said, 'mimicking' my voice. Then he ran up to me turned me around and tried to jump on my back.

Only reason I held him up at all was because I didn't want to fall over. He was bigger then me. Granted, a lot of people were bigger then me, but most of them didn't try to hop on my back like a psychotic weirdo.

"GET  THE HELL OFF!!" I yelled, trying to throw him off without tipping myself over.

"Nice to meet you too! Now off! to the snack table! Mush, mush, mush!"

Either actors are crazy, or this guy has serious issues.


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