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When Soonyoung walked through the door, it was incredibly late, about 2AM. I have no idea why it took him so long, but when he came in, he looked dead inside, and I wasn't sure if it was because he was tired from searching or just tired.

And to be honest, I was still sitting on the couch, a bag of caramel caramel corn next to me, watching Naruto when he came in.

I glanced over at him, "So I'm staying here then."

Soonyoung gave me a weak smile that sounded like a dial tone. "Unless you want to pay for a hotel."

I shook my head. I couldn't afford a hotel, all my money was at my house anyway, I hadn't brought so much as ID to the party, the only thing I really brought was my keys, and I'd managed to lose those.

Soonyoung plopped down next to me and sighed. "You want the couch or the bed?"

"Ok, wait a minute, hold up," I started then pointed at him, "Don't think that you can pull anything with me just because I'm in your house, lets just make this clear, I will call the cops, don't think I won't."

Soonyoung rolled his eyes,  "Oh, yeah? It's not like I'd do anything like that, Woo-Woo, have faith, I can control my hormones for one night."

"Why do I doubt that so much right now?"

"Because You're a 'doubter'."

"You're a hoe."

"I'm a star, what do you mean?"

"Patrick star, maybe."

For a while it was quiet, just the anime playing, I didn't know what was happening, I hadn't been looking or listening,  whatever was going on with the sub-plot was almost a mystery to me. Of course it had been a crucial moment and now I had now idea what was going on, but now people were fighting.

It didn't take much to change the flow of these things, I found. It was kind of sudden but not jumpy.

"You ok, Woozi?" Soonyoung asked, suddenly leaning toward me.

I looked at him like he was crazy, but I could feel my face getting hot at his close proximity. "Y-yeah. Why?"

Soonyoung shrugged. "My arm as been oh-so-casually draped over your shoulders, and you haven't noticed and bitch slapped me yet? Like, seriously, I've been waiting, and--"

"WHAT?!" I said, pushing his arm off of me, which left my shoulder feeling cold, but at least then, he wasn't touching me so....intimately. "Who the hell told you you could--."

Soonyoung put his hand over my mouth. "Shhh~ It's late, let's just help you set up a place to sleep, turn off the anime, and think about all this crap tomorrow, ok? Let's just save up that slap I see you preparing and just...calm, sleep. Until tomorrow at least?"

I rolled my eyes, letting myself relax only after I forced Soonyoung's hand away from my mouth. "Fine. But oh so help me, if you touch me again....I don't know what I'll do."

Which was true, if he touched me, I wasn't sure if I'd slap him, cuddle him, or show him every swear word I knew, or maybe a combination of all three.

But what the hell was that second option...?



pfffffff!!!! lol hi, they call me, baepsaaaae~

not high off candy I sweeaaaaaaaarrrrrr (don't bbelieve me thoooooo  ( -O-)v )



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