Chapter 34:Allusions

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Glaring at Klaus I shoved him away.
He does not get to sleep on the same bed as me. He looked at me confused.
"You, get out! I'm still mad at you." I said sitting up.
"The other day you said you love me." He said.
"So? I can't love and hate a person? Get out." I said again. Signing he stood up.
"I've got some business to attend to anyways." He said.

After eating an omelette, bacon and hash browns, which Klaus made before he left, I went to my car.
"Hello?" I answered my phone as I drove.
"Hey, Clary, do you maybe want to go to this exhibit Bonnie is making me and Jer go to?" Matt asked.
"Sure, I'll meet you at the grill. We can take my car." I said.
"Alright, I'll see you then." He hanged  up.

"So what are we going to this exhibit for?" I asked Matt. Jeremy and April sat at the back, I don't even know why she's here.
"Bonnie needed information about Elena's hallucinations." Matt said.
"What hallucinations?" I asked confused.
"If a vampire kills a hunter they get these hallucinations. She thought that Jeremy was Connor." Matt said.
"Oh my god, what happened? Jeremy did Elena do anything?" I asked looking at him from the rearview mirror.
"She stapled my neck with a knife. I'm alright, the Gilbert ring brought me back to life." Jeremy said.
"What are you guys talking about?" A confused April said, we forgot about her.
"Nothing, we wanted to mess around with you, it worked. So April how are you." I asked, the second she talked I tuned her out.
"Why would an exhibit help Bonnie?" I asked confused.
"A professor there can help her, professor Shane." Matt said.

We started walking around the exhibit when we spotted the professor. I read what was behind him and my eyes budge out. Silas.
"You're looking at what people believe to be the world's first tombstone. This item was donated to Whitmore college last month." Shane said.
Matt and April started talking, but I wasn't listening. I was to focused on what the professor has to say, I need to know more about my family.
"Can you guys please be quite?" I asked both Matt and April, I couldn't hear what Shane is saying.
"Belonged to a very powerful witch. A witch so powerful, in fact, that Silas.That was his name.Created a spell that would grant him.Immortality. Now legend says that Silas did the spell with the help of a lady witch who loved him, a woman named Qetsiyah. Sadly for Qetsiyah, Silas wanted to give immortality to another woman. So Qetsiyah killed her and buried Silas alive, leaving him powerless, immortal, and alone. This might actually be the origin story of hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." The professor said.
"Mom." I whispered.
You never told me about Amara dad I thought.
You didn't need to know.
A voice said in my head. Freaking out I looked around the room. My eyes landed on Damon and Bonnie. Why is Damon here? I wondered.
"Now it's said that Silas wants to rise again. Regain his power. Wreak havoc on the world. Maybe we should be afraid. Or maybe it's all a bunch of crap and that's just an old rock. All right, listen, enjoy exploring the exhibit. I'll be around to answer any questions. Thank you for coming." He then walked in front of Bonnie.
One thing I know is that he will rise. And if he does bring hell on the earth I know that I'll be protected, I'm sure he wouldn't hurt me, right? I questioned.
I would never hurt you Rosalia.
"These are my friend." Bonnie said.
"Clarissa, Matt, Jeremy and April." She said pointing at us.
"Hi, I loved the story. Is there any truth behind it?" I asked, obviously I know the truth.
"It depends if you believe in those stuff or not. I personally believe some parts, defiantly about the love triangle between Amara, Silas and Qetsiyah." Shane said.
"Can I look at the stone closer? I'm intrigued with history, especially if it's this fascinating." I said.
"Sure go ahead, I have somethings I need to discuss with Bonnie anyways." He smiled.
I looked at the stone closely. Once I'm certain that Bonnie and Shane left I placed a hand on it. I felt power radiating off of it.
What is this? I asked myself. 
Absorb the magic, it should be you and not anyone else who obtains the magic. A feminine voice said.
Yes darling, it's me. Your father don't know this but I'm growing stronger, soon I'll be in the world of the living. You must take the magic inside. The stone has my blood, traces of my magic and be found inside. Even a small amount of my magic would be enough to make a witch powerful. I only trust you with that kind of power. Absorb my magic.
Placing both hand on the stone I took a deep breath before muttering a spell to absorb the magic. Suddenly a huge wave of magic flowed into me.
Good. Mom said.
Feeling dazed I walked away from the stone, accidentally bumping on to Matt.
"Wow, are you okay? Do you want me to drive you home?" He asked. Nodding I handed him the key.
Absorbing that magic was difficult, and obtaining it is a huge change. My body needs to get use to this much power
"'Jeremy, April. I'm leaving." I said.
"Alright, we'll get a ride with Bonnie." He said.
"Alright, bye Jer." I said hugging him.
"Bye." He said back.
We were walking towards the school's entrance when I saw Damon, Bonnie and Shane inside the classroom.
"Go to my car first, I have to ask them something." I said to Matt.
"Alright, I'll meet you there."
I walked into the classroom and they all looked at me.
"If you don't mind, get out. This has nothing to do with you." Damon said.
Ignoring him I looked at the sketch Shane was holding.
"The hunters mark." I whispered taking it from him.
"And how do you know about the hunter's mark?" Damon asked.
"Klaus, he forced Jeremy to draw the mark. That's the reason why I'm mad at him at the moment." I said.
"Jeremy, he's the potential. If he kills a vampire he'll be the next hunter. That's how you stop a vampires hallucination, if a potential becomes a hunter. I have all kind of research on this. I could get it if you want." Shane said.
"Yes, get it." Damon said.
"Well I'm going to go." I said waving at them.
"Wait, I could use your help." Bonnie said.
"As much as I want to help with what ever problems you and the group are facing I have my own problems, that are definitely worst. So no, I can't help. I'm not being rude and mean, I'm just thinking about my wellbeing of my baby, cause she comes before everyone else. Sorry." I said turning around.
"We won't help you, with your problem. Even if you ask for our help." She said.
"That's the different between you and me, I don't beg for someone's help. And when you find out about my problem you will want to help." I said.
Before I leave Damon asked me something.
"And what exactly is this problem?"
"Let's just say it's daddy and mommy issues." I mumbled.

"You sure you'll be okay?" Matt said.
"Yes, now go. Don't you have a shift?" I asked. After dropping him off at the Grill I headed to Klaus's house. When I entered I had a bad feeling. Suddenly I heard bangs, I followed the sound and it lead me to an open steel door.
"Elena stop." Stefan said.
"Elena? Stefan?" I asked walking closer towards the door. Elena appeared in front of me.
"No! Leave me alone! Stop!" Elena screamed looking at me.
"Elena what are you talking about?" I asked confused.
"Elena , Elena stop, don't do anything you'll regret." Stefan's weakened voice said.
"Get out of my head Connor." She said looking at me.
As I stepped closer towards her,she hissed at me.
"Elena it's me, Clarissa. I'm not Connor." I said worried.
"Shut up! Shut up!" She screamed. I felt a stinging pain on my chest. Gasping I looked down. A long iron pole was jabbed into my chest. Shocked I coughed up blood.
"Elena." I whispered as I fell down. I looked up at the ceiling, blood covering my stomach, chest and the floor beneath me. How could she do this to me. I wondered as I slowly fall into a deadly slumber.

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