Chapter 10

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August POV
"Well here's y'all stop be careful its really dangerous around here. They sale little kids around here on the down low," the taxi driver told me and Jessica." Hold up did you just say they sale kids over here. If so where,?" I asked. Take that left right there then go inside that door in you have entered where it all goes down," the guy pointed out. " thank you so much," Jessica said then started hurrying up behind me. I took the left the cab man told me to take and there was the door." August we have to think before we just enter, they might already know we looking for them plus they might got cameras," Jessica told me holding me back." I don't think I do, and plus I got back up," I told her pulling out my 9mm pistol. "What are you doing with that," she asked." It's protection," I replied." Just be careful alright," Jessica told me letting me go. Then I gave her a passionate kiss on her lips. And walked inside.

And there it was all the teenage girls in unclosed doors naked and bruised. It hurt me to my heart to see that the same thing might have had happened to my little girl. I went into one of the rooms to asked one of the girls do they know where my little girl at.

"Please don't touch me, I'm tired," the little girl said backing up crying and frightened that I might rape her." I'm not here for that I'm looking for my daughter," I told her showing her a picture of Amandla. Then the girl backed up once again." I just want to know if you saw her," I asked handing the picture to her. Then she pointed straight across the hall. And there was a girl all curled up crying her heart out. Covering up her body cause she was unclothed." Amandla," I called her name." Dad is that you," she cried." Yes baby its me, I'm about to take you home," I said while tears filled my eyes." Dad I can't," she replied." Why not," I asked confused." Because they have a bomb inside of me and it will go off if I leave out the door," she said crying." Ima get you outta here," I told her." I'm ready to go home," my daughter said falling asleep.

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