Chapter 12

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Jessica POV
This is some bullshit. This not gonna go so well. August been ready to find his little girl since he found out she got kidnapped. And I was looking for my baby girl until I stopped because I heard she was got killed. But not I see she's not and I want her back. These girls is the only one we got because we both lost someone we deeply love. Its gonna be hard to make this decision.

August POV
I know Jessica really want her daughter Alex back in her life but I damn sure want mines back. And I'm not gonna choose shit I'm getting both of there ass right here right now." Ayeee how will y'all feel if I took y'all daughters and made them a sex slave," I asked the boss." Shit take them I don't have any," he said getting smart. Fuckkkkkk this is some deep shit we into." Let us talk about this ok," Jessica told them." You got 2 minutes," he told us then we walked out." What we gonna do," I asked her." The only thing we can do and what they will let us do is choose," she explained." CHOOSE, you can't call the damn police,!" I yelled. " well they said we only got 2 minutes to make up our mind," she said which pissed me off." Alright whatever man," I said." So who we gonna choose," Jessica asked." I guess we can just get Alex because she been here longer and it been awhile since you saw her. But in the morning we calling the cops to give us some money so I can get my baby or hell is gonna be break loose," I gritted. We both walked back in the room." So who y'all choose," he asked us." Alex," Jessica pointed to her." Okay," he said taking her in the back to take the bomb out and Jessica followed to make sure everything goes right. 20 minutes later they came back and I said my finally goodbye to my daughter until I ce back to get her tomorrow morning or as soon as I can come back." I love you baby girl " I told her." I love you to dad, but why you chose her over me why. I'm your daughter " she said starting to cry. I couldn't explain I just couldn't.

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