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Dad and I continue our journey through Stage Five, seeing his excitement merely grow as he showed me around the new spaces. To say the least, I was pretty impressed. Being able to see the improvement from the first office to now is beyond words. All the new podcasts, the sets, the offices, the work being produced, the people. It's amazing. And how Dad talked about it, I knew he was proud of his work too.

Eventually we make our way down yet another new hallway, and though I was putting on my best face for Dad, my legs were craving a nice, comfortable seat at this point. As he presented the next office, the sound of screaming broke me out of my bored haze. I shot a look to Dad, hoping he would know and or investigate what was going on, but he simply laughed before carrying on with his tour.

After a minute, we leave the office and continue down the hall, the screaming getting louder and louder with each step we took. I was on my toes as we steered closer, curious of what the commotion was until one of the muffled squeals sounded all too familiar. I playfully roll my eyes as we finally reach the door, Dad chuckling as he reaches down to pin in the code but was immediately interrupted as the door swung open for him.

He flies backwards, nearly avoiding Gavin as he bolts out of the office and sprints down the hall in a blur, quickly losing sight of the Brit as he ducks down in another office. I turn back to the room and peek inside to investigate, hoping to see what he was exactly running from, but as I was met with another body colliding with my own, I was quickly able to some it up for the most part.

I squeeze my eyes shut, accepting the pain I was about to endure as the two of us cascade into a free fall. A low groan emits from the both of us as we crash into the floor, quickly followed by the groans and hisses of those around who were able to watch. As the pain slowly began to subside, I finally flutter my eyes open just to meet brown pupils centimeters away.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry." The man chokes out after a moment, instantly shoving himself off me.

"It's cool, don't worry about it." I huff, feeling the air slowly retreat back into my lungs again as I sit myself upright. He puts out a hand, which I gladly take as the sound of Gavin's footsteps and small giggles tread back towards us.

"You good, Delaney?" Dad questions as he puts out a hand as well, helping me regain my balance once more.

"Sure, a broken rib or two doesn't hurt that bad, right?" I joke, waving a way his worry as I begin to brush myself off.

"Laney!" Gavin sings from behind me, lazily wrapping his arms around my neck as the man shoots him a playful glare.

"Look at what you did, asshole. You're so fucking destructive." He accuses, gesturing over to me as I balance Gavin's weight on my shoulders.

"Says the bloke who took the poor girl down like a linebacker!"

I stifle a laugh as Dad cracks up at the comment, simply shaking his head as he slides past the three of us and enters the office. He lightly pats the man's shoulder as he passes through the doorway, the man chuckling along with us as the tips of his ears grew a bright red.

"Come on, Lane, You've got to meet the crew." Gavin announces, his hand latching around mine as he drags me into the Achievement Hunter office.

Stumbling into the room due to Gavin's fast pace, the first person I clearly recognize was Jack, talking with Dad as our eyes meet.

"Hey! I didn't know you were coming in today." He smiles widely, whatever conversation he was having ending in an instance as he walks over with open arms.

"I guess this is a little bit of a surprise to the both of us then." I chuckle, wiggling out of Gavin's grasp to welcome his hug, quickly taking in his familiar embrace.

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