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"Season premiere, here I come." I giggle to myself, pulling my covers up to my chest as I got comfortable. As I press the play button, my bedroom door flies open.

"Gracie, wer-What are you doing?" Lindsay asks, pushing an earring into her ear.

"Watching my show, what are you doing?" I ask, sitting up slightly.

"I'm getting ready for your birthday party, remember?" She asks and I hold back an eye roll, hoping she would've forgot about tonight.

"Lindsay, the office threw me a party last night, isn't that enough?" I ask, pushing my laptop off to the side.

"Gracie, we've been planning this girls night for weeks now." She whines and I groan. She was right, we have been planning this night for a while, but that was before my life went to shit in a back alley.

"I know, I just haven't been in the partying mood lately." I say, my eye averting back to my laptop.

"Come on, Gracie! You're 23 now, maybe you'll find someone tonight." She smirks and I roll my eyes at her.

"Glenn dies." She says, making me gasp as she pulls open my bedroom door and walks out.

"Get dressed into something cute!" She calls out before shutting the door behind her. 

I groan loudly, slamming my laptop shut in frustration. I throw my covers off of my body before kicking my legs over the side of my bed. I sit there for a moment before lifting up my sweatshirt sleeve, looking at what's left of my bruises. For the past two weeks, I've been drowning myself in long sleeves, pants, and bracelets. Luckily, the once blackish color has faded into a green tone, making it easier to cover with makeup. 

I sigh, standing up and shuffling over to my closet. I stare into the abyss before getting to work. I know Lindsay means well. Both her and Michael have been keeping an eye on me, noticing my change in attitude and how I want to stay in all the time. But being in a cramped club with sweaty people and loud music, doesn't sound too appealing.

I look through my closet before finally deciding on a black dress that came just above my knees and my black pumps. I slip off my pajamas and then pull on my dress, not bothering with any makeup as I pulled my hair up into a ponytail. As I grab my purse out of my closet, my bedroom door opens once more, making me huff.

"Yes Lindsay, I'm getting ready." I sigh, and I hear Michael chuckle.

"Not Lindsay, but good guess." He says and I turn around, seeing Michael in the doorway with a small box in his hand.

"I was gonna give this to you, last night but it hadn't come in yet." He says, closing the door slightly.

"Michael, you didn't have to give me anything." I say, taking a seat on my bed as he hands me the poorly wrapped box. 

"What are you talking about? Of course I did, now open it."He smiles brightly and I playfully roll my eyes, ripping open the wrapping and opening the box to see a small gold heart necklace. 

"Do you not like it? I wasn't really sure what to get you so I asked Meg." He says sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"It's beautiful Michael, now help me put it on." I say excitedly, turning around. He laughs, taking it out and putting it around my neck before latching it on. I get up and walk over to my vanity, seeing the beautiful charm hang from my neck.

"Thank you, Michael." I say, engulfing him in a hug. 

"Happy Birthday Gracie." He chuckles, wrapping his arms around me. 

We hold this for a moment before hearing someone clear their throat. Michael and I pull away and see Lindsay, leaning up against the doorway. 

"You ready to go Gracie?" She asks and I simply nod, walking out of my room with Michael trailing behind me.

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