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Dragging my suitcase behind me, I sluggishly walk back to the waiting area in the airport where Lindsay and Michael were sitting.

"How long til you're plane is ready?" Michael asks as I plop down in the seat next to him and Lindsay.

"All they told me is that it's coming back late from Michigan because of a storm so 'hopefully soon'." I huff in frustration, the feeling of ripping my hair out running through my body.

"This is why I hate airports." I mumble, rubbing my eyes.

"Hey, at least you didn't have to wait two fucking hours, remember that Linds?" Michael asks, turning to Lindsay.

"Oh my God yes, that was horrible! And the flight attendant was such a bitch." She says bluntly, making me laugh.

As the two indulge in a conversation, I pull out my phone and unlock it, I go to my messages and click on Ryan's name, our last conversation popping up. I stare down at the keyboard, wanting to text him my usual good morning text but I knew deep down he would leave me on read anyways.

There's no point, you fucked it up.

I sigh, locking my phone and shoving it back into my pocket. I run my fingers through my hair as I lean back into my seat, hoping I would to get over the feeling of guilt in my chest.

"How are you holding up?" Michael asks, knowing he had glanced over a few times at my phone. I simply sigh and shake my head.

"I think the initial pain has wore off and now I just feel sort a numb." I say, staring down at the floor. 

"The first fight is always the worst." Lindsay reassures me and I merely shrug. It goes quiet for a moment between the three of us, before I cleared my throat.

"I don't know, I just have this guilty feeling my chest telling me it's my fault." I say, finally looking up to the two. Lindsay opens her mouth, about to say something, but Michael beat her to it.

"What do you mean? Graceland, he was in the wrong. He shouldn't assume your cheating on him because he can't keep his jealousy in check." Michael says and Lindsay nods, agreeing with him.

"Yeah, I mean, what does he expect you to do? Not hang out with Gavin anymore because his ovaries are out of whack?" Lindsay says and I laugh slightly. 

"I know, it's just hard." I say, wincing slightly at the new headache that arose. Lindsay took notice of it and gave me a look.

"Need some aspirin?" Lindsay asks, already rummaging through her purse to grab the bottle.

"No, it's just a stupid side affect to my meds." I say, rubbing my temple as she nods.

"Did you grab your medication?" Michael asks and I simply nod, patting the side of my bag where I held them. 

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and my heart jumps, hoping that that it might be Ryan. I pull it out and read over the ID before sighing, noticing it was only Dad wishing me good luck on my flight. I quickly text him back, thanking him as a woman's voice over the intercom began to speak.

"Flight 201 boarding. Austin, Texas to New York, New York." The woman announces before ending the call. 

I shove my phone back into my pocket and stood up with multiple other people, all making out ways over to the gate. I come to a stop just before my gate and turn back around to Michael and Lindsay.

"Don't stay in NY alright? I need your expertise on wedding planning." Lindsay says, pulling me into a hug as I laugh.

"No worries, there's a reason why I live with my Dad." I say, giving her a wink as the two laugh. 

something perfect | m.jМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя