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Here's a long chapty because I've been lacking updates lately.


*Trigger Warning*
-Self harm and Suicide is mentioned
-Please read with caution

Graceland's P.O.V

"Gavin, I can promise you I'll be alright." I say, walking into the apartment with both Meg and Gavin in toe.

"I don't what you here alone, end of conversation." Gavin says sternly and I roll my eyes.

"He's right Gracie, after last night. ." Meg's voice trails off as she shuts the front door behind us and I sigh.

"Last night was just a horrible mistake, I shouldn't have been walking home that late." I say, making my way into the kitchen.

"I should've called a cab." I mumble to myself, opening the cupboard and grabbing my medication.

"Either way, I want you to come to work with me. Meg and I will drive you home afterwards." He says, taking a seat at the bar.

"Gavin please, I'm capable of being by myself for a day." I say, slamming the cupboard shut

"Obviously not after what bloody happened last night." He says and my mouth drops, surprised those words came out of his mouth

"Alright big shot, how about you shove-" "Enough! Stop it, both of you." Meg says sternly, slapping Gavin in the arm, but he didn't seem fazed.

"Honey, she deserves a day away from everyone." She says and Gavin merely huffs.

"And we don't want to anything to happen, so send us a couple texts each hour telling us your alive alright? Deal?" She asks and the two of us reluctantly nod.

"What are you gonna tell Geoff?" Gavin asks as I grab a banana from off the counter.

"I'm gonna tell him I have a fever." I say, leaning up against the fridge.

"Graceland, are you seriously not gonna tell him you were-" "Please don't say it." I say quickly, cutting him off. I take in a deep breath before letting it out.

"All I want to do is shove the memory into the shredder in the back of my mind and never speak of it again." I explain, peeling open my banana.

"Hun, you have to tell Geoff at some point. He has the right to know." Meg says, leaning up against the counter.

"I know, just not now. As far as this goes-" I pause, pointing between the three of us "-I'm not coming in today because I'm sick with a fever." I say and Gavin huffs. 

"But Gracie-" "But nothing Gavin, you saw how he reacted when he saw Ryan and I kissing, can you even imagine how he'd react if I told him I was-" I stop, knowing if I said that stupid word it would become a reality.

"If I told him about what happened, he'd make me move back in with him and he'd never let me do anything by myself again." I say and they remain silent, knowing I'm right.

"So please, last night didn't happen, alright?" I ask, my voice cracking and Meg simply nod, giving me sympathetic look before turning to Gavin.

"Come on Gavin, we have to get to work." She says, grabbing Gavin's hand and pulling him to the front door. She pulled open the front door with Gavin struggling in her grasp and she gave me a smile before shutting the door behind her.

I sigh in relief, feeling the silence engulf me as I walk over and lock the front door, sending a quick text to my Dad to let him know I wont be coming in. I huff, running my fingers through my dirty hair as I make my way to my bedroom. I throw my phone onto my bed as I walk over to my dresser, pulling out some pajama's for after my shower.

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