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I feel like this is really shitty but it's really long so bE HAPPY XD

It was normal day at the office. Everyone doing their own things, editing, playing and finishing random video games just to get all the achievements. Like I said, a normal day.

"Listen up fuckers!" Dads voice booms as he walks into the office with Lindsay trailing behind him with a huge smile on her face.

Almost simultaneously, we all push our headphones onto our necks and turn to face them. He claps his hands loudly with a huge grin on his face.

"As you all know I've been the head of Achievement Hunter for as long as I've been here-" "Old cunt!" Gavin yells, cutting him off. We all chuckle as Dad gives him a glare.

"Yeah yeah fuck you, but to go on without being interrupted. Lindsay here is taking up my position."

My mouth drops as everyone takes a second to absorb the information before jumping to their feet and congratulating her.

"Good job babe." Michael says, going over and giving her a kiss as I stand up, putting on a smile when my turn to hug her comes around.

"This is amazing Lindsay." I say excitedly, giving her a hug and, to my surprise, she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a big hug.

I hesitated a bit before instantly hugging her back before releasing so she could hug the next person. Gavin squeaks from behind me and I turn to see him staring at me in shock, I chuckle slightly as Dad speaks up.

"Lindsay took my place because I wanted to be apart of the videos more often and, of course, she'll be in them sometimes as well. She'll be in charge of what we do on what days and shit like that." He says and we all nod before cheering once more.

"In celebration to her new position, we're all gonna go get some beers! Sorry Ray." He says, chuckling slightly since he knows he doesn't drink.

"I hate you all." He says in a serious tone, causing us all to laugh.

"Alright, let's get back to work." Dad says, clasping his hands together.

"I don't have to listen to you anymore, you're not my boss." Gavin says, making my laugh.

"Get back to work." Lindsay smirks at Gavin as he chuckles, walking back to his desk.

I took a seat back at my desk and began to finish my editing, since I only had a couple minutes left of the video. Once I was done, I saved the video onto my thumb-drive before dropping my headphones down to my neck. With my spare time, I decided to head to the kitchen and grab some coffee, knowing I'll probably have more videos to edit as the day goes on.

I grab my headphones and place them onto my desk before standing up. I stretch a little as I push my chair in, hoping it would knock out some of the sleepiness I feel. I walk out of the office and slowly make my way to the kitchen, my hand stuffed deep into my sweatshirt pockets and my head down low.

Once in the kitchen, I look up and see Michael fiddling with something in the fridge. Ever since I came back from my date from Ryan, Michael's been completely distant from me, even in Lets Plays. I can't exactly pin point why he's being like this, but I had some theories.

I walk over to the coffee machine and open the cupboard above it that's filled with mugs, I grab one before pouring some coffee into it. I turn to the fridge to grab some creamer and immediately bump into Michael who was standing behind me.

"S-Sorry" I stutter, moving out of his way to the fridge. I grab the creamer before shutting the fridge and going back over to my cup of coffee which Michael's standing right next to. I bit my lip, wanting to keep my mouth shut, but I just couldn't

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