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I roll out of my bed with a groan as someone consistently knocks on the front door, waking me up from my sleep. I grumble slightly, throwing my hair up into a bun as I walk up to the front door.

"Coming!" I yell, unlocking the door and pulling it open to reveal no other then Gavin. He gives me a smile before pulling me into a hug.

"Hello love, how are you feeling?" He asks, giving me a good squeeze before releasing.

"Okay I guess." I yawn, shutting the door behind him and locking it. 

"Did I wake you?" He chuckles, noticing my messy hair and the bags under my eyes looking darker then usual.

"No, I just look this horrible on a regular occasion." I say sarcastically, walking into the kitchen as he laughs.

"Do you want anything?" I ask, pulling open one of the many cupboards filled with snacks.

"Nah, I already ate lunch, but thank you love." He says, taking a seat at the island and I simply nod, grabbing a granola bar before closing the cupboard.

"Have you taken your meds today?" He asks as I pull open the fridge and grab a water bottle.

"Yeah, of course." I lie, opening up my water bottle and taking a swig. He narrows his eyes at me for a moment before standing up.

"Where are they?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"In my nightstand." I mumble and he sighs, walking off to my bedroom.

"You cant just not take them Gracie." He says, walking back to the kitchen as he opens the bottle and hands me a pill.

"You have them for a reason." He reminds me as I pop the pill in my mouth and slowly it dryly, causing him to cringe. 

"It's not like I feel any different." I say, taking a bite out of the my granola bar.

"That's because you're just starting out, you will eventually." He says as I lean up against the counter.

"Have you even read the side effects on these?" I ask, snatching the bottle from out of his hands.

"Headaches. Nausea. Violence/Hostility. Hallucinations. Depression. Suicidal thoughts/actions." I list them off, narrowing my eyes at the bottle.

"These pills make me more sick then I already am." I say, placing the bottle onto the counter and he gives me a sympathetic look.

"Don't think of it that way. It's all gonna make a difference in the long run." He says, trying to reassure me and I huff, knowing he was right.

"So, what's going on at the office, any videos?" I ask, turning back towards the cupboards as my stomach growls.

He began to talk about the Let's Watch they were planning on doing when I see something glisten out of the corner of my eye. I glance over and see the knife holder sitting in the corner of the counter, nothing unusual about it, but I couldn't look away.

You know, Gavin doesn't really care. No one cares, actually. Not even that little boyfriend of yours.

My eyebrows knot together at this new voice. It sounded like mine in my head, but there was something off about it. Something distorted. I shake my head slightly, focusing back on what I was doing. It's just lying to me, trying to mess with my head.

Why would I lie to you princess? I'm apart of you after all.

"Gracie?" Gavin asks, placing a hand on my shoulder making me jump.

"Jesus Gav, I'm trying to get some food." I chuckle, opening up a cabinet.

"Are you alright? You blacked out on me for a good minute." He says and I look at him confused. It couldn't have been that long, right?

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