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☆Five Years Later☆

I groan slightly, feeling the baby kick into the side of my stomach. I place my hand onto my stomach, rubbing it soothingly.

"Please, I'm your mother, stop abusing me." I mumble through my sleepy haze, trying to find my comfort again. 

After tossing and turning for a few minutes, I huff, slowly sitting up. I look over and sigh at the empty bed, remembering Michael had to go in early. Once again, the baby kicks, now in a new spot.

"Alright, I'm up." I say, shaking my head slightly as I let out a sigh.

I slowly but surely roll out of bed, making my way to the bedroom door. I pull it open and walk out to the kitchen, not bothering to close the door behind me. I grab a mug from the cupboard before shoving it into the coffee maker and turning it on. As the coffee brewed, I go for a little potty break, knowing it would be down by the time I was out.

As if on cue, the coffee maker dings as I walk out of the bathroom, letting me know that my coffee was ready. I went over, grabbing the mug and decide to leave it black as I walk into the living room. 

I sat down in my favorite chair in front of the window that looks over all of Austin, Michael wanted to move out of the apartment, but I didn't want to leave view. I sat and watch the world go by, sipping on my coffee until I was finished.

"Come on little one, it's time for Mommy to get to work now".


"Good morning Kara." I yawn, walking into the office.

"Good morning Graceland, how's that baby treating you?" She smiles, looking up from her computer as I spare a glance down at my stomach.

"Amanda just loves to kick Mommy in the morning, but other then that we're good." I say, returning the smile. She opens her mouth to say something, but the phone going off cuts her off.

"Well I guess I'll talk with you later." She says and I say a quick goodbye before making my way to the office.

I pull open the door of the office, seeing Michael and Lindsay sitting with their now four year old little boy Taylor. He turns around at the sound of the door opening and his eyes go wide.

"Auntie Gracie!" He yells, getting up and sprinting towards me. I brace myself up against the door frame as he crashes into my legs with a bone crushing hug. 

"Hey bud, how are you?" I ask with a smile as Michael stands up.

"Taylor, you need to be careful with-" Michael starts, but I simply wave it off.

"I'm fine, Daddy and Mommy are teaching me how to play games! Wanna join?" He asks, as he pulls away and I give him a smile.

"Sorry honey, but Aunt Gracie has to get to work, but I promise I'll play with you later." I say and he simply nods before running back to his spot on the floor. 

"Good morning Beautiful" Michael smiles, walking up to me.

"Good morning." I sigh, pulling him into a hug. He cradles my head in his neck before placing a kiss on the top of my head.

"How was your morning?" He asks as we pull away and I simply shrug. 

"Fine, how was yours?" I ask and he sighs, rubbing his eyes slightly.

"Tiring, you're lucky you get to sleep in." He says and I laugh slightly as the office door opens behind me. The guys file in, making Taylor jump to his feet as he sees Gavin walk in.

"Uncle Gavin! Come play with Mommy and I!" He says, grabbing him and pulling him over to their spot on the floor. 

"But, Michael I wanted to-" I stop, realizing he had stopped listening and moved his attention to Taylor. I sigh before simply shaking my head.

"Hey Gracie, how are you doing today? Think you're gonna be able to be on Off Topic?" Dad asks as I ease into my seat.

"Fine, and yeah of course." I say, getting my equipment ready for the day.

"I just don't want to overwork-" "Dad, I play video games for a living." I say in a deadpanned voice, making the guys laugh as Dad merely sighs.

"Lets just get to work."


It felt like my head was gonna explode. All day its been about Lindsay and Taylor and I was getting down right sick of it. Now, don't get me wrong, I know it's his kid and ex wife, but for once at work, I just want a one on one conversation with my boyfriend, is that too much to ask? 

I watch as Michael tries to teach Taylor how to play with the new race car set he had got him and I sigh, standing up from my seat. I hobble over to the door and place my hand on the door knob when Michael speaks up.

"Hey honey, if you're going to the kitchen, Taylor really wants an apple juice." Michael says and I feel my grip tighten on the door knob. 

"You know, I'm the fucking pregnant lady here?" I snap, his eyebrows furrow together.

"If you want me to go and get it I'll-" "No it's fine, I'll got get his stupid fucking apple juice." I mumble, pulling open the office door and slamming it shut behind me. I walk two steps before the hearing the door open up behind me.

"What the hell? Do you really want Taylor cursing all the time?" He asks and my fists clench in anger. 

"I could really careless Michael because he's not my kid, he's yours!" I say, raising my voice as my head began to pound.

"What are you saying? Do you not what partial custody?" He asks and I groan in frustration, rubbing my temple.

"No Michael, I just want one fucking conversation to be about us and our little girl. Is that too much to ask?" I ask, my voice cracking slightly. The fire in his eyes now dimmed as he gave me a sympathetic look.

"Honey, I . . " His voice trails off and I simply sigh, waving it off.

"Forget it, its fine I'm just-" but I was cut off as I tried to urn around, but felt his hand on my wrist.

He grabs my face before smashing his lips into mine. Immediately, I melt into his kiss but a moment later, he pulls away.

"You know, I've never been good at this romance thing but . . " His voice trails off as he gets down on one knee.

"Michael." I warn, tears springing into my eyes.

"You are one of the most beautiful, talented, funniest girls I've ever met. And I never thought the day you walked into this office I would be doing this. but-"  He stops, pulling a small, red velvet box from out of his pocket. He pulls it open, showing a gorgeous diamond ring.

"Graceland Ramsey, will you marry me?" He asks as a small tear cascades down my cheek.

"Yes! Fuck yes yes yes!!"

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