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trigger warning: suicide mentioned, please read with caution.

Ryan's P.O.V

The car ride was completely silent, besides Gracie quietly sobbing in the passenger seat next to me. I grip my steering wheel to contain my anger, my knuckles turning a bright white from it.

How could Michael be such a fucking idiot?

I sigh in frustration, pulling into Gracie's apartment complex and park the car next to Meg's which sat in the parking lot, waiting for us. I quickly undo my seat belt, getting out of the car before making my way over to the passenger side.

I open Gracie's door as Meg gets out of her car, unbuckling her seat belt, I slide arms around her and pick her up, pulling her out of her seat. She instantly cuddles into my neck and I feel my heart ache a bit more before heading over to Meg.

She looks at me, furrowed eyebrows and concerned look but I simply shake my head, heading towards the entrance. I walk in, heading into the elevator with Meg following close behind me.

"Fourth floor." I tell her and she nods, pushing the button for me.

We wait patiently as the elevator slowly takes us up to the fourth floor, the doors finally opening up again a moment later. I lead the way down the hall before coming to a stop in front of Gracie's front door.

"The keys under the mat." I say, Meg already ahead of me as she flips the mat up and grabs the spare key off the floor.

She quickly unlocks the door and shoves the door open, letting me in through first. I head over to the couch, laying Gracie gently down onto it. She instantly curls up into the throw pillow and I look for a blanket, but I come up empty handed.

Instead of going on a giant search for one, I simply slip off my leather jacket and lay it on top of her. A small smile lands on my lips as I watch her cuddle into it, gripping the edges tightly, but reality soon sets in again.

"What the fuck did Michael do?" She whisper yells as I walk into the kitchen. I sigh, sparing a glance over to Graceland before looking back at Meg.

"He was drunk and decided to tell the whole stream and office about how Lindsay is pregnant." I say in a low voice and her she gasps.

"Your kidding." She says, her hand coming up to cover her mouth but I simply shake my head.

"I found her sitting on the floor, crying in a back hallway." I tell her as she watches Gracie on the couch, sympathy in her eyes.

"So, whats the game plan then?" She asks, not averting her eyes away.

"I don't trust her alone, not right now at least. I want you to stay with her while I beat the shit out of Michael, and your boyfriend because he knew too" I say, making my way towards the front door.

"Just don't hit him too hard. I would like children one day too."


I ask around a bit before finally stumbling upon Michael and Gavin in the Achievement Hunter, getting ready to shoot a Play Pals. I walk in, slamming the door shut behind to get the twos attention.

"Jesus, Rye. What's got your trousers in a bunch?" Gavin asks, chuckling slightly and I could tell he still had some alcohol left in his system.

"What the hell is wrong with you two? Honestly, do you have a decent bone in your body?" I ask, my anger coming through the cracks as I clench my fists tightly to keep from pummeling them.

"Why do you assume we did something, huh?" Michael asks, almost slurring, causing me to grit my teeth.

"When were you going to tell her? About that baby?" I ask and I watch as Gavin looks at me with horror as Michael simply waves it off.

"She was gonna find out eventually." He mumbles, messing with his controller and I felt something snap deep inside of me.

In an instant, I had Michael by his collar, pulling him up onto his feet until our faces were centimeters apart from each other.

"Let me make this nice and clear. Gracie left me for your sorry ass. I've never seen anyone love and care about someone so much, so if you don't start acting like a fucking adult. I promise you this, I will end you. Got it?" I snap, roughly shoving him back into his seat.

Gavin and Michael shared a look before looking up at me, fear striking them in the core. I huff, turning on my heel towards the door and walking over. As I reach for the door know, my phone begins to go off in my pocket. I quickly grab it before answering, not bothering to see who it was.

"Hello?" I ask, taking in a deep breath to try and calm myself down.

"Hey Rye, Gracie went to her room and ended up falling asleep. I think I'm gonna head out." Meg says through the phone and I nod, like she could see me.

"Alright, is she okay? Did she say anything?" I ask and she merely sighs.

"Not much, we mostly just cuddled as she cried before falling asleep." She says and now it was my turn to sigh.

"Alright, thanks a lot Meg." I tell her and she says a quick 'You're welcome/' before I ended the call.

As I shove my phone back in my pocket, I feel a hand land on my shoulder. I slowly turn around, expecting a punch to the face, but see Michael, tears brimming his eyes.

"Is she at home?"

Michael's P.O.V

It didn't take me long before I was racing into her elevator, smashing the fourth button til the doors slowly closed shut. I didn't bother wiping the tears that we're inevitably flowing down my face, I deserve the pain flowing throw my body right now, I deserve all of it.

Soon enough, the doors slowly open and I jog down the hall to her apartment door. I fumble with my keys before shoving my spare key in and turning the lock until it clicked. I shove the door open, quickly shutting it behind me before turning to the couch to find nothing but emptiness.

"Gracie?" I call out in the dark apartment as I walk into the kitchen, seeing no trace of her anywhere. I look around before landing on her bedroom door and walking over.

"Graceland, honey, if you're in there please say something." I say, knocking quietly on the door as I felt the fear in my chest rise.

After a moment of silence, I push open the door and walk in. Squinting in the dark, I look and see nothing but a leather jacket on her bed, a note sitting on top of it. My eyebrows furrow slightly, snatching up the note that read my name across the front before flipping it open.

I'm sorry. Sorry for walking into your life.

Sorry for ruining your marriage. For everything.


A sinking feeling grew a pit in my stomach and I knew she just didn't walk out on me. I felt the note slip out from my fingertips and before I knew it I was running, sprinting out of the front door.

I run up the floor flights of stairs leading up to the rooftop, silently praying that she was still standing up there. I got to the top, shoving open the door and see her sitting on the edge, watching the cars roll by.

I let out a sigh of relief, but it was almost too good to be true as she stood up, stumbling a little because of the wind. My breathing hitches in my throat, trying to decide whether I should run up and pull her off of the ledge or take the slow route.


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