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5 Weeks Later

"Hi! And welcome to the ExtraLife Stream of 2016 in Austin Texas!"

That sentence is what started the next 24 hours of madness. It's only been a few hours and a couple hundred thousand dollars worth of donations and I've had a beer chugging contest with Blaine and Aaron, momma bird with Barbara and Ashley, kissed Mica, and shot multiple coworkers with a paint ball gun. I mean, it's for the kids right?

"Alright Gracie, everyone wants you to dye your hair with Matt and Jeremy" Jack says, taking my seat back next to Barbara.

"What color?" I ask as Barbara plays with the ends of my hair.

"Green." Jack confirms, his eyes scanning the computer monitor as my face shrivels in disgust.

"Green?" I question, giving a sour look to one of the many cameras.

"You and Jeremy can be twins, how cute." Caiti comments, making me chuckle.

"Can I get a second choice?" I ask, looking over to Jack as his eyes quickly shoot across the screen.

"Um . . second choice is blonde." Jack says, and both Caiti and Barbara give me the same excited look. I sigh, standing up from my seat and taking one last sip of my beer.

"Who's sober enough and is willing to drive me to Wal-Mart?" I ask and there was a mix of laughter and cheer as Ryan walks in.

"I'll drive you." Ryan says, walking onto the set and Jack laughs slightly.

"He's only going so he doesn't have to shot with the pain ball gun." He chuckles, causing Ryan to laugh manically. 

"Hey, you don't know my life." Ryan chuckles, pointing his finger accusingly at Jack who merely laughs.

"How about, Ryan has to bleach Gracie's hair." Mica says, wiggling her eyebrows at the two of us and everyone chimes in to agree.

"Alright, for the kids so why the hell not?" I chuckle, walking of the set with Ryan following close behind me. We make our way to the lobby, running into Gavin and Michael on the way there.

"Hey, where are you going?" Michael asks, stopping in front of us so we wouldn't be able to pass.

"Bleaching my hair, for the kids." I tell him as Gavin bursts out in a fit of giggles.

"I could've given you a ride." Michael says, pouting slightly and I chuckle.

"Michael, you're on the brink of drunk." I say, patting his cheek "Besides, Ryan has to do my hair." I say and he dramatically rolls his eyes, making me laugh slightly.

 "I have to go though, so I'll see you soon." I say, gently rubbing my thumb across his cheek before bringing my hand back down to my side.

"Be safe." He says, going in and placing a kiss to my forehead. I freeze up slightly as he pulls away, knowing Ryan was well aware and watching.

We part ways, Ryan and I continuing our journey to the lobby while Gavin and Michael make their way to the set with everyone else.

"Michael, don't you have to tell her-" but Gavin's words were cut short as Michael quickly put his hand over his mouth. 

"Tell me what?" I ask, stopping in my tracks and turning back around to the two.

"Nothing, everything is fine." Michael says, a somewhat nervous smile sprawling out across his lips. I narrow my eyes at the two before rolling them, not having the time to deal with them right now.

As Ryan and I walk away, I could hear Michael arguing with Gavin as they walk back to the stream, making my suspicion grow.  

"So . . you and Michael, huh?" Ryan asks, an unsure tone in his voice making my cheeks burn red as we walk out of the office.

something perfect | m.jDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora