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Your comments for the last chapter killed me XD I love you guys so much and oooh shit double chapter time


It was the day of the wedding, Lindsay and Michael left a few hours ago to make sure everything was set for today while I held back at the apartment. I had curled my hair, done my makeup and, finally stripped out of my pajama's before pulling on my dress.

I sigh, falling back onto my bed and listen to the silent apartment, slowly getting lost in thought. I felt sick, but not the stomach ache sort of sick. The sick that makes your chest hurt, but it almost feels as if its nothing. The sick that makes your brain and the rest of your body go numb, making you loose track of time and what's going on around you.

A knock on the door made me snaps me back in reality. I huff slightly, standing up and making my way out of my room. I walk over to the front door, putting on a smile as I unlock the door and pull it open to reveal Ryan.

"Hey." Ryan says, adjusting his tux slightly.

"I sent you a text, but you never answered back so I just came up." He says, making his way inside.

"Sorry, it's been a busy morning." I lie, pushing the door shut behind. It really wasn't a busy morning, I had been up all night anyways.

"It's fine, sweetheart." He says and I look at him for a second before wrapping my arms around his waist. He hugs me back, but I don't feel our same connection. The connection I wanted to break me out of this funk.

"Let me get my shoes on and we can go." I say, giving him a weak smile as we pull away.

"Alright" He says and I can see him give me a hesitating stare, but I walk off before he could say anything.

I walk into my room and pull on my black heels I had waiting before grabbing my purse. I look into the mirror and do a small twirl, satisfied with my outfit before walking back into the living room.

"I'm ready." I say, walk up to Ryan who had his phone in his hand. He look up and smiles, taking in my full outfit.

"You look beautiful, as always." He says, placing a kiss onto my forehead and still, no connection.

"Come on, we should get going." I say, slipping my hand into his before walking over to the front door.

"What's the rush? No wedding ever starts on time." He says, shoving his phone back into his pocket.

"How Lindsay was acting last night, I can assure you that it will start on time."

Sure enough, I was right. We walked into the church just before the wedding started, quickly finding an open seat in the back. We took our seats with out hands linked, looking around to noticed a few rows in front of us sat Griffon, Dad, and Molly.

Dad turns around and catches my stare, his eyes filled with disappointment and rage. He turns back around and leans over, whispering something into Griffon's ear making her turn around and look at me. She gave me a sympathetic smile and a wave, but I averted my stare, guilt taking over.

I feel Ryan's hand leave mine and land on my knee, giving it a good squeeze. I look up at him and he gives me a sympathetic look before kissing my forehead. I sigh, laying my head on his shoulder, the memory of what happened that night still fresh in my mind.


My heart was pounding hard against my ribcage, so hard I thought it would burst out of my chest. And I kind a wish it did.

"Haywood, you're fucking dead." He says, clenching his fist to the point his knuckles turned a bright white.

"What the hell is going?" Jack asks, walking into the room with guys and Lindsay trailing behind him.

"He was fucking making out with Graceland!" He yells, turning to Jack and I watch and Gavin, Michael, and Lindsay look at me with horrified expressions.

"And he's gonna die today." Dad says, starting to walk over to Ryan. Ryan's hands flew up in defense as I slid in between the two, pushing on Dad's chest.

"Dad don't! Stop, please we can talk-" but I was cut off as he shoves me aside.

I stumble back, losing my balance and hitting the corner of my desk as Jack flew out and grabbed a hold of Dad. Lindsay and Gavin rush over to my aid as Michael helped hold back Dad from ripping Ryan apart.

"I told you to not get with my fucking daughter and I find you making out with her!?" Dad yells as Gavin and Lindsay help pick me up from off the ground.

"Geoff, stop it man! I know you're mad, but-"

"Mad? Mad, I'm fucking furious! I trusted you Ryan! As an employee, as a friend!" Dad yells, the hurt in his voice coming out as he rips his arms out of Jack's and Michael's grasp.

"Geoff, I love your daughter! I loved your daughter eight months ago and I'm going to love your daughter after this!" Ryan yells back and you could practically see something inside of Dad.

"Eight fucking months, are you kidding me!?" Dad yells, his eyebrows furrowed together in anger as he turns to me.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Going behind my back for eight months fucking my best friend and whoever else!" He yells, throwing his hands up in frustration.

"I don't even know who you are anymore." He says, giving me a disgusted look as his eyes flicker up and down my body. I felt tear prick into my eyes, but I held my ground.

"Dad, this is my life. I've done everything you've asked me to do, and now my only wish is that you'd stop treating me like a child! Because, I'm not your little girl anymore." I say, my voice cracking slightly and he scoffs.

"Yeah, you sure as hell aren't." He spits and my mouth drops in shock.

"Go to hell." I say, flipping him off before storming off out of the apartment.


My heart aches at the memory, but I push it away, looking around the church to try and distract myself. My eye finally land on Michael who was standing at the front of the chapel, talking with Gavin with the biggest smile on his face, anxiously rubbing his hands together as he waited for his bride to be to walk down the aisle.

The organ starts to play and the whole chapel stood up at the doors slowly opened, everyone gasping at the sight. Lindsay was stunning, her hair, her makeup, her dress, everything tied together perfectly. The two made their way to the podium, her father giving her a quick kiss before walking over to his wife who sat in the front row.

We took our seats once more, Michael and Lindsay joining their hands as the pastor began their vows. The two stared deeply into each other eyes, like they were the only two people in the world, like nothing could stop them from becoming one.

Suddenly, I felt something in my stomach turn. Nausea taking over my body as my once empty mind now scattered with thoughts, all screaming things I couldn't understand while the walls felt like they could come crashing down on me any second.

I pick my head up off of Ryan's shoulder, looking around as the feeling of the whole room was staring me down grew, even though their up most attention was on Michael and Lindsay.

I took deeper breaths as the feeling of my throat closing in on me became more prominent. I sat there for a moment, trying to calm myself, but I couldn't take it anymore as I stood up and ran out of the chapel.

I wasn't sure where I was running to, or where I was exactly, but I was in a long white hallway and I could see the exit sign all the way at the end. That's all I needed right now, an exit, a relief.

"Gracie!" I hear Ryan yell after me, but I just shook my head, picking up my pace.

"Gracie, what's wrong?" His voice was laced with concern and sounded far more closer then before.

"Graceland!" He yells loudly and I stop, right before the white door, the exit, the relief.

"Graceland, sweetheart what's-"

"I'm in love with Michael!"

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