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"Shh! It's like, 2 in the morning!" Ryan chuckles as I went into a fit of giggles, stumbling around the hallway, running into the walls from time to time, tripping over my own two feet. I wasn't even drunk, I was just having a fun time.

Ryan places his hands onto my shoulders, guiding me to the door as we both of laugh until there's tears in our eyes. We finally began to calm down once we stopped in front of the apartment door, just looking at each other.

"I had a lot of fun tonight Ryan." I say, taking a small step forward to try and close the gap between us.

"I did too Gracie." He smirks, doing the same.

"We'll definitely have to do this again." I smile, causing him to raise an eyebrow.

"Are you saying I just scored for a second date?" He asks and I chuckle.

"I don't know Haywood, you tell me?" I smirk, biting my lip when I realized just how close we were to each other.

His hands gently land on my waist as I look up to him, seeing his eyes flicker between mine and my lips. He slowly leaned in, causing my eyes flutter shut, waiting for his lips to meet mine.

Sadly, that didn't happen.

The apartment door flew open causing both Ryan and I to jump back, mumbling curse words under our breath seeing Michael standing in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hello Jacob, glad to finally meet you." Michael says sarcastically, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Michael look, we-" "Save it, just hurry up." Michael says, cutting off Ryan. I huff as I turn to Ryan, giving him an apologetic look.

"Thank you for tonight." I say, standing on my tippy toes and placing a kiss on his lips. He places his hands on my waist as we kiss, but the moment was over as soon as it started once we pulled away.

I give a smile and a small wave before practically trudging into the apartment, my chest filling with anger as Michael slams the door in Ryan's face. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I snap, turning to Michael.

"Oh! I'm going out with an old friend!" Michael says mimicking my voice, causing me to roll my eyes.

"We didn't want anyone finding out right now, is that a problem?" I ask, sass laced in my voice.

"Gracie he's like, six years older then you!" He yells, his voice cracking slightly.

"This my relationship Michael!" I yell back as he groans, rubbing his face in frustration.

"I'm just trying to protect you Gracie." He says, more calmly this time.

"I think I can handle this on my own, thanks." I say, pushing past him to my room.

"Graceland please! You don't know him like I do." He says, causing me to stop and turn to him.

"Why the hell do you care so much anyway, huh?" I ask, and to my surprise, Michael went quiet. 

"That's what I thought." I mumble, turning on my heel once more.

"Gracie-" "Michael, leave her alone." We both freeze as I snap my head over to the couch where I see Lindsay sitting there.

"What?" Michael asks, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"I said leave her alone. She obviously really likes Ryan, and it's not your place to be big brother and try to stop them from dating." She says and I feel my mouth drop slightly.

"Thank you Lindsay" I say before turning back to face Michael.

"I'm going to bed. But I swear to God, if you tell anyway I'll beat the living shit out of you." I huff, walking off to my room.

I push open my door and fall back onto it, causing it to slam shut. I take in a deep breath, throwing my purse down on my bed before stripping off my clothes and shoes. I throw on an over sized T-shirt and some spandex before pulling my hair into a messy bun.

I flick the light off and jump into my bed, pulling my phone out of my burse before dialing Ryan's number and after three rings, he answers.

"Just can't get enough of me can you?" He teases as I pull my blanket up to my face.

"I guess not." I say, causing him to chuckle.

"So, what did Michael do?" He asks and I sigh, rubbing my eyes.

"Tried to tell me you're wrong for me, but Lindsay surprisingly helped me out." I say, readjusting my position. 

"Surprisingly?" He questions.

"Yeah, let's just say she wasn't too fond of the idea of me moving in." I say, snuggling up in my blanket.

"Well, maybe one day you'll be able to move in with me." He says as I feel my cheeks burn thinking about that.

"Maybe." I say, biting my lip to try and conceal my smile.

"Do you think Michael gonna tell anyone?" He asks and I sigh once more.

"He better not. I'll rip his dick and feed it to him if he does." I say and he laughs.

"The only dick you should be seeing is mine." He says with a strict tone, causing me to laugh.

"Kinky." I chuckle.

"Was that too much?" He asks, chuckling nervously.

"Maybe just a little." I say before he sighs loudly.

"Are you embarrassed now?" I ask and the line goes silent.

"Aw, don't be embarrassed Rye. I think it's cute that you only want me to see yours." I say, but I couldn't contain my laugh.

"It's not funny!" He yells as I imagine how red his face must be.

"It kinda is." I chuckle and I hear him huff. 

"You're adorable." I yawn slightly, adjusting my pillow.

"Go to bed silly, its late." He says and I simply shake my head like he could see me.

"No, I wanna stay up and talk with you." I say and he laughs slightly.

"I'm flattered, but you need your rest Gracie." He says as I hear a car door slam shut.

"Are you just now getting home?" I ask, hearing him walk up some steps.

"Yup." He says as I hear him take out his keys.

"I'll go to bed when you go to bed." I say as his front door creaks open.

"You're stubborn, you know that?" He asks, closing his front door.

"You agreed to this." I chuckle as another door opens and shuts.

"I'm glad I did." He says before placing the phone down. It's silent as the sound of drawers open and shut, I assume he's changing.

"How do you think the others are going to react?" I ask, biting the inside of my lip as the thought started to grow in my mind.

"The others or your Dad?" He asks, picking up the phone.

"Both." I say and he sighs.

"The guys wont care, but your Dad, that's a different story." He says 

"I know, that's what I'm worried about" I mumble, feeling a headache slowly taking form from the lack of sleep and worry.

"Don't worry about it now Gracie." He says soothingly as I yawn once more.

"Got to sleep, I'm laying in my bed now." He says as I snuggle up into my pillow, feeling my eyes flutter shut.

"Okay, night Rye." I whisper before feeling myself drift off asleep, phone still in hand.

"Today was amazing by the way. I love the way your nose crinkled when you laughed, and how your eyes squinted when you smiled. When I'd say something about they way you looked, you would always blush, and when I slipped my hand into yours and it felt so perfect together. I can't wait for our next date. Goodnight Gracie."




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