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"Hey guys, how'd it go today?" Griffon saunters out of the kitchen, a rag drying off her soapy hands as Dad and I walk through the front door.

Dad easily brushes past me, tossing his hoodie off to the side as he instinctively pulls Griffon into his arms. He holds her like this for a moment before pulling away, the smile he left the office with now bigger and brighter as he bends down and gives Griffon a passionate kiss.

Locking the door, I silently swoon at the two. I always admired the love they had for each other. It wasn't like some typical movie love story. It was pure, with a little chaos thrown into the mix. Their jagged edges and rips fit like two puzzle pieces from different boxes. Oddly different, but similar in ways you could never imagine.

Joey shuffles in through from the living room at the sound of the commotion Griffon and Dad had made, the curious look on her face turning to disgust at the sight of the two.

"Aw, sick."

"It went good, then?" Griffon chuckles as the two pull away, Dad's arms slinking over her shoulders as he looks at me.

"I don't know, you tell me, Delaney." Dad smirks as both Griffon and Joey avert their stares back at me.

"Yeah, it went pretty good, I guess..." I let me voice trail off as I snatch Dad's hoodie off the ground, hanging it up, "Considering I now have a job."

Excited squeals echo across the walls throughout the house. Griffon crashes into my arms, Joey's joining into the mess, holding us the three of us together. The air that was once in my lungs was slowly squeezed out by their suffocating hugs.

"Okay... Can't breathe..." I choke out after a moment, chuckling as the two instinctively pull away at my words.

"Oh, honey, I'm so happy for you." Griffon gushes, her eyes glossing over as she holds my head in her hands.

"Honestly, I didn't think you had it in you." Joey comments.

"You're telling me, I don't even know how I got through it." I admit, earning a laugh from the two as Dad comes back from the kitchen, a six pack in hand.

"Tonight," He announces loudly, pulling a single beer out of the pack and handing it to me, "we celebrate. Joey, go put on Aladdin."

"Seriously?" She questions, stuffing her phone into her back pocket.

"Uh, yes seriously. It's your sisters favorite. Come on." Dad mocks, wrapping his arm lazily around her shoulders before leading her into the living room.

"Now that the spotlight has vanished," Griffon mumbles, struggling to detangle her bottle opener from her keys, "How really was today?"

"Exhausting." I admit lowly, glancing through the doorway Dad had just walked through, "I didn't want to upset him but..."

I stop, looking to her as if waiting for her approval to continue. She doesn't speak, just gradually nods as she grabs my bottle and uses her bottle opener to crack it open.

"It was suffocating, being there again."

She places my open bottle back into my hand and I take swig. Since Dad's gotten sober, I've reformed from drinking in front of him, refusing to tempt him in anyway. He always reassured me, saying it was fine, but it couldn't be easy for him. After today, though, I'm sure he can let this one slide.

"Hugging people, meeting new ones, sparking conversations... Hell, Griffon, this was the first time in a month that I left my bedroom, nevertheless the house."

"Well, that's the beauty about first introductions, honey," She states calmly, "You only have to suffer through them once."

"Go on, what else happened?"

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