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Hello my fellow readers! I have a favor to ask you guys and it shouldn't be too hard if you love amazing Achievement Hunter books ;) Can you guys please check out my girl Rooosterteeeth story Father I Never Knew and give her a bunch of love please?

Also this is a shitty chapter because there is a lot of talking sorry XD

You guys are the best, love you


My hand flew over my mouth once I had processed what I said, Ryan's eyebrows furrow as his eyes filled with hurt and confusion.

"You. .you what?" He asks, his voice barely audible as he searches my eyes from some kind of answer, but I didn't even have one.

Had I really just said that? I mean, Michael's one of my best friends. I can trust him with anything, he's nice, caring, and we even have the same attitude. I cut off my thought by shaking my head, not wanting to acknowledge the weight lifted up off my shoulders.

"What was this, Graceland? Did this mean anything to you?" He asks, his voice rising as his anger did.

"Ryan, this relationship was everything I could've ever wanted! I tried so hard to ignore the feeling, but I just couldn't do it. I'm so sorry." I say, my voice breaking as tears welled up in my eyes.

Tear began to steam down my face as Ryan remained quiet, just watching me with a mixed expression on his face.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be the one upset. I'll just go." I say quietly, turning back around and pushing open the white door.

I got a taste of the Austin air for a moment before feeling a hand grasp my wrist and pull me back into the building. I spin back around and feel Ryan's lips crash into mine, we hold this for a moment before he slowly pulls away.

"If you were gonna leave, I wanted one last kiss." He admits, letting go of my wrist. It goes silent for a moment between the two of us as I try and process what just happened

"Why don't you hate me right now?" I sniffle, wiping away my stray tears. He sighs, rubbing his hands together.

"I can't be mad at you when I've been in the same boat as you before." He says and I raise my eyebrows at him.

"But the difference between us, is that I couldn't give two shits about the person I was leaving." He says bluntly, making me chuckle.

"And here you are, crying and feeling like you just killed someone." He laughs, trying to make light of the moment. He look down at me and gives me a sympathetic look..

"You don't have to feel bad Gracie, I understand." He says and I simply nod, even though I felt a few more tears stream down my face.

"Yeah, but I know under all this tough exterior your heartbroken." I say, my voice cracking slightly.

"You're not wrong there, but I'll make it through it. I've had my heart broken many times." He says and I merely shake my head, trying to hold back my sob.

He sighs before pulling me into hug, brushing his fingers through my hair as I cried. After a few minutes, I pull myself together and pull away from Ryan.1

"I'm fine, okay? If you're in love with Michael, that's fine. We'll still be friends in the end." He says, his hands on my shoulders for emphasis and I nod ". .maybe even friends with benefits." He continues, making me laugh.

I wipe the tears off my soaking wet cheeks as Ryan gives me a big smile, I look up at him before wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Thank you for understanding." I say, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek. He doesn't say anything, just wraps his arms around me before pulling away a moment later.

something perfect | m.jOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora