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"The fact that she murdered over two hundred people in the past two years . Not to mention the murder she committed at the age of 15 and the planned murder of her deceased fiancé at the age of 22." The lawyer ranted . "She's a natural born killer. The crimes are outrageous . She's involved with drug and sex trafficking from over seas. She killed innocent people with no mercy." He glanced at me . "She even openly murdered her boyfriend , leaving all the evidence behind that screams she did it." He points to me .

The judge held her hand against her mouth as she listened carefully .

"You may say she's crazy . She lost her mother , her brother , and her child." He squinted his face .

"I'm not even sure if her children are safe." He gestured towards Brione , Bracen and Zay who were sitting behind me . Hisan mugged him as he landed his arms around Janessa . Fame was asleep in his lap . Janessa was holding baby Hariyah . Desiree had Zay in her lap . He was very attentive even though he doesn't know what's going on . Then the rest of the family was sitting behind them .

"She tortured these people . That's what she do . That's what she's comfortable with . It's like she feigns for blood like a sick person." I snickered at that and shrugged .

I told my lawyer not to speak out and to just allow the others to speak .

"Now I would ask one of the witnesses to come to the stand."

Out came Yorkie . I honestly hated his guts . He literally looks like a damn Yorkie and not the cute ones.

They proceeded to do the oath and then he sat down while he winked at me . I can honestly hear Hisan say 'Imma kill him.'

"How long have you known Ms.Rivera?" Mr.Jackson asks him .

"For three years."

"Why is he lying?" I turned to my lawyer . He looked at me and frowned . He squeezed my hand indicating me to calm down .

"Have you done business with Ms.Rivera?"

"No . I have not . It's just known in Jamaica that she's the most powerful drug lord and she sells women and she treats them awfully." He frowned .

"Do you know where it is located so the FBI can go and collect data and evidence?"

"Yes . I'll take y'all there myself." He smiled .

"That would be all your honor." Mr.Jackson went back to his seat . Eddie breathed then stood and walked to the middle of the floor .

He cleared his throat and looked at Yorkie .

"What's your name sir?" He questions

"Galen Demins."

"Mr.Demins . Do you go by the name of Yorkie?"

"Yes-No ! No I don't." He nervously laughs .


"No!" He chirped .

"How could you know what's been going on in Jamaica if you're not Jamaican . Have no records of you being in Jamaica and have no reason or traits to Jamaica. So how do you carry that knowledge?"


"Yorkie so you do not have a 'corporation' of your own in Hawaii?" I smiled as he squirmed in his seat .

Love Truly III : Anxious (Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon