{ Chapter Twenty Six }

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I laid in bed tossing my basketball in the air then catching it again . It's been boring lately . My mom been gone handling 'business' so Brione and I been staying at the hotel .



"It's Saturday." She said.

"Happy , Happy Saturday." I sarcastically said , not really interested in the topic .

"He's coming for me." Her voice shattered .

I stopped tossing the ball . "Who?"

"Conner." She said . "Don't you remember ? He said he's coming to get me." She sat up in her bed .

"Brione you have nothing to worry about."

"But I have a feeling something bad will happen." She said in a baby tone .

"Nothing bad will happen." I reassured her .

She sighs . "Why mom haven't been by here?"

"I don't know . I saw her creeping in her room last night." I admitted .

"Is she in there now?"


Brione sighs .

"Did you take your medicine?" I started back tossing the ball .

"Yes Bryce." She said irritatedly

"Just looking out for you sis."

There was a brief pause between us .

"I miss my best friend Raheem." She pouted .

"Yea . I miss Haylan." I smiled at the thought of her smile and her eyes .

"Somebody is crushinggg!" Brione teases .

"Nooooo.." I dragged .

She threw a pillow at me . "Admit it Bryce . You have a crush on Haylan."

"I do not. She's just a good friend." I lied .

"Liar . Liar." She threw the rest of her pillows at me . I chuckled and jumped off the bed .

"I'm going for a walk." I tucked my ball underneath my arm .

"Whatever." Brione laughs at me . I shook my head at her sense of humor and walked out the hotel room .

As I was walking out of my room , my mom was coming towards the door . Her hands were filled with shopping bags . Hariyah was with her .

"Where you going?" My mom asks .

"For a walk." I told her .

"Be back before ten." She said then walks pass me . Hariyah grasps a huge chunk of hair as she follows my mom .

I blew a huge amount of air and continued my journey .

Walking the streets is interesting . I witnessed people exchanging drugs but that's nothing new . Older men trying hard to grab a younger female's attention . It made me think of Bri . Street junkies stealing from the corner stores but I don't blame them . They provide all you need so why not take what you want .

I'm joking.

I was about to cross the street when an elderly woman waves at me .

"Can you please pick up my book?" She asks politely .

I looked down at what she was pointing at . It was a thin book that laid by her feet . I generously picks it up and hand it to her .

"Thank you sweet heart." She smiles angelically . I noticed the left side of her face was darker than the rest of her face .

Love Truly III : Anxious (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now