{ Chapter Eighteen }

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Brooklyn's P.O.V.

Ive been in a good mood all morning . Ive cleaned the entire house while Pretty Ricky was booming through my speakers .

Everybody was gone . Hisan took Bryce and Brione to the gun range . Desiree is at the hospital making sure that her and her baby are okay .

So it was basically me and my little nephew , Aiden . For some reason , Janessa didn't want Aiden to stay with me but Des convinced her to since he was acting a fool when they was about to leave .

Hisan told me everything about Kaylee and Khyle . I told him to watch out for her because something isn't right including this Ria chick .

The first time I seen her , I sensed her phoniness . I just didn't say anything .

On everything , I don't understand why Janessa wants to be a bitch about the situation . In my opinion , she put Hisan through worser not to mention putting us in deeper trouble .

My brother love that lil hoe so I don't have a say so .

"Auntie Brooklyn can I go outside?" Aiden asks in his baby voice . He is so adorable .

"Of course baby." He smiles then runs toward the back door . I don't trust having him in the front yard .

While in the midst of cleaning , I tied my hair into a ponytail . My hair have grown a lot . I'm thinking about dyeing it black only to get this teal color out.

After folding all the clothes and putting them in the kids' room , I grabbed my laptop and my phone . I went in the backyard so I could watch Aiden .

I sat at the table , opened my laptop then logged it . I went straight to my bank account to make sure my money haven't been touched .

Then I hacked into the security camera of Hisan's corporation . All the cameras that he had , showed up . He didn't have time to look at the cameras since he be around Janessa most of the time and Fame is here so he asked me to check in on it .

As I'm observing , I started to think about Bryce and his fascination with technology . I decided to teach him the ropes to hacking and analyzing into computer systems . I think it would be useful for him .

"Are you watching porn?" I looked over my shoulder and realized it was Fame .

"No honey . Brooklyn does not watch such thing." I semi lied .

"What are you doing then?" He walks down the steps and sits next to me . Hisan's people are so damn nosey .

"Watching over your father's corporation." I simply stated .

"Ooh." He pokes his bottom lip out while he leans back into the chair .

Aiden came and sat in his lap .

"Don't hate your father alright? He just wanted to protect you ." I said as I typed .

"It's the fact that it been so long since he told me." He said . "So it's true?"

"Is what true?" I bit into my nail .

"Family is no better."

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