{ Chapter Twenty Seven }

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Brione sat on the bed with tears flowing from her eyes . She was disgusted with herself . She felt that she didn't belong on earth anymore . She never seen herself taking a person's life and now that it had occurred , she's lost .

She believed that everything she heard about her family and herself is true . She thinks she will end up just like her mother and that's something she didn't want to be in life . She loves her mother but she's something that nobody should want to be .

She rubs her plumped belly , thinking how much of a mistake the baby is . Mentally she's fighting herself . She wants to look at her child as a blessing but she feels otherwise in her heart . She only wants to live a normal life . She wants her child to grow into a normal family .

She had these demons in her head , taunting her . She couldn't handle it . It was all too much for her .

She wanted to believe her mother when she say everything is okay but in her head , they're telling her otherwise .

She feels for the end . She wants it to end .


"Bow chicka wow wow!" My mother sings as she hangs up the banner that had Brione's name on it .

I tumbled over in laughter . My mom rented out a small building so that she can have Brione's baby shower . We left her back at the hotel because she wasn't feeling well .

It's just me and my mom putting everything together . Everyone else is coming in a few.

"It won't be that many people here." I said .

"It's just gone be me , Janessa , Hariyah , Ria , and Desiree." She shrugs .

"Then what's the purpose of renting a building when you can just have it at Hisan's house or something." I thought the idea of renting the building is kind of outrageous.

"Don't pressure me boy . I'm only getting older." She sighs as she took a sit in a folding chair . She pulls out her phone and starting texting .

I sat across from her , kicking a balloon out of my way .

"Fame is on his way to get you." My mom tells me .

Just when she said that Brione , Desiree and her two kids , Janessa , Hariyah , Ria , Hisan , and Fame walked through the door .

"Hey!" They all greeted except for Brione . She was stuck in her own little world . After having a slight conversation , Hisan was ready to go .

"Welp have fun ladies." Hisan waves . I followed him , Aiden and Fame out the door .

"Anybody got any plans?" He asks us .

Fame and I said no .

"Good . We have some business to handle." He chuckles .


The ladies were having a fun time at the baby shower . They played games and ate a numerous amount of food . It was even better for Brooklyn when her old friend , Jessica , was able to show up including Jessica's younger sister .

Brione sat back and watched everyone laugh and smile . She'll input a giggle but she wasn't fully paying attention to the get together .

Love Truly III : Anxious (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now