{ Chapter Ten }

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I sat in the tub , relaxing not only my body but my mind . Today is the day that will determine where my future will lead to . I have to put my all into this . I can't let myself down . I can't let my mom down .

"Hurry Bri . You don't want to be late." My mom called out from the other side of the door .

I breathed in then lifted myself out the tub . My nerves weren't in its right state of mind . I'm nervous that I won't be good enough .

"Don't be too hard on yourself baby girl." I jumped out of my skin when I noticed my mother standing in the doorway .

"Privacy!" I hurriedly wrapped a towel around my body .

"I seen you naked before." She rolled her eyes .

I shook my head as I sighed .

"You're going to be fine baby girl . Don't trip."



The men stood to the side to watch the teenagers prepare themselves for the race .

"There she is." One of the men spoke with a satisfying tone . He smiled as he eyed Brione , stretching and doing her normal breathing exercises .

"She is such a beauty." He whispered as he licked his lips at the thought of her pleasing him in ways that only grown women could handle .

"She's just a kid man , relax." On the other hand , his acquaintance is disgusted by his friend's thought .

"She's almost legal man." He chuckled then turned to his friend . "You look like the type to go for her mother." He joked .

He scoffs . "Only in your dreams Conner."

"When will Ricky go through with his plan? I'm more than ready to fall through with it." Conner rubbed his hands together .

"Whenever he feels she's ready." His friend simply stated .

They watched as the girls got into position to take off .

"Win this for daddy baby." Conner smiled at the sight of Brione . Soon after , the gun was shot . The girls' took off in a lighting speed . Brione was in second place , putting her all into her legs .

"I need to get home to my baby girl." The acquaintance glanced at his watch .

"She's not even your daughter." Conner laughed . "Sebastian you are a good man . I wouldn't have took in a bitch's daughter."

"That's the difference between me and you." He side eyed his best friend then turned to walk away .

"At least stay for the rest of the race . Look she's in first place. Go baby!" Conner cheered .

Within minutes , Brione crossed the finish line running right into her mother's arm . The men watched as they embraced each other . Tears flowed from Brione's eyes .

Her little brother along with Hisan joined them on the track .

"Woah I wasn't expecting to see Hisan." Conner smiled . "This is getting better and better."

Love Truly III : Anxious (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now