{ Chapter Six }

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She laid across her bed as she read the letter that her daughter has sent her along with her son's acceptance letter . A smile came across her face but died when she continued to read .

"B what's wrong." Princess walked into the cell .

"My daughter." She simply stated .

"Awe . It's fucked up that they won't even allow you to write back or even let anyone visit you. They're scared of your ass." She chuckled .

Brooklyn kept a straight face . She yearned to be with her kids . She wished she was out in the world to raise them .

"I just got through talking to my son . His crazy ass gets his craziness from his daddy." Princess folds her arms as she laughs to herself .

Brooklyn wasn't listening . She was too concern about her kid's safety as she reads another letter that wasn't from her daughter or her brother .

Your daughter grew to be beautiful . it's almost time for her to serve her throne.

The letter didn't consist of a name or where it came from .

It never slipped her mind that the empire in Puerto Rico was still open . She just hoped Brione was well kept and protected from that lifestyle but now she see that she's not .

"B can I speak to you?" Freddie leans on the bars .

Brooklyn nodded and folded the papers , sitting them aside .

She follows Freddie to her cell . She stuffed her hands in her pocket , waiting impatiently on her to speak .

Freddie smiles and hands her a note .

Brooklyn gets it and reads it .

Purple Cat ..

Brooklyn frowns . Soon after an explosion went off on the east side of the prison . Freddie grabs Brooklyn and they ran the opposite way . All the security guards and policemen ran to the chaos . Finally , they was now in the shower room .

Brooklyn squealed when she seen her big brother with a wide grin on his face . She ran and leaped on her brother . He held her as they shared a loving embrace .

"I missed you so much." Brooklyn confessed .

"I missed you too lil sis and I don't know why your happy jack ass hopped on me knowing we're old as shit . " They laughed as they separated from the hug . He grabbed her hand and attempted to lead her out but she pulled back .

"I need to get my things." She said .

"No need to . I got you." The quiet girl came in and handed Freddie Brooklyn's bag . She smiled and gave it to its owner .

"Thanks." Brooklyn dapped Freddie .

"No problem."

"Good looking out." Hisan dapped Freddie then grabbed Brooklyn . They went through the vent and started crawling till they reached the end . Hisan tapped on it and it was opened by Mercy and Tonio . They were now at the entrance of the prison . The cameras were shut down so they couldn't get caught .

Mercy handed Brooklyn a wig , contacts , and an outfit . Brooklyn begin to undress .

"The fuck y'all looking at?" Hisan yelled at his workers . Brooklyn laughed to herself . She got dressed and put on the low cut bob wig along with the hazel contacts .

"You're ready?" Hisan asks her .

"Yea." She breaths .

They casually walked through the security section . One of the security men nodded at Brooklyn aware that it was her . She smiles and follows her brother out of the building .

Just a filter chapter ..

I don't think y'all are as happy as I am .

Love Truly III : Anxious (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now