{ Chapter Seven }

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I couldn't seem to concentrate in school or to properly do my work . I'm exhausted and feel drained from life itself . Zay and I haven't eaten for two days now .

School food sucks but we try to eat what we can . I often steal the fruits from the cafeteria .

I found myself staring into midair when my teacher approached me .

"Are you okay Rivera?" He asks .

"I'm fine." I lied .

He hummed then walked away .

My phone vibrates indicating that I received a text . My phone bill is due this week and I don't have the money for it . This is also the week of my track meet . I can't be going threw this at the moment .

I looked at my phone and noticed Devon texted me asking me if I wanted to hang out after my practice . I contemplated on it because I really don't feel like being bothered by anyone after practice but I went ahead and accepted his offer .


I'm in the locker room changing into my practice clothes when a group of girls walk in . I think they play soccer .

"Have your boyfriend texted you?" One girl asks the other .

"He's not my boyfriend but he will be and no he haven't . I wonder what's Bracen's hold up?" She said his name in a way to grab my attention . Out of my peripheral vision , I saw her eyeing me . I then realized she was the girl who was all on him at the party .

I heard no one have gotten seriously hurt during the shoot out . I still do not know who started it . I haven't been talking to Raheem . He been calling me nonstop but I ignored every single one of them .

"Bracen puts it on his life that he will marry me." She giggles to her friends .

Is this bitch trying to make me jealous ?

"He just needs to hurry back and text me." Just when she said that , my phone beeped . It was Bracen calling me .

I swiped the button and answered .

I kept my ear on the phone waiting on him to speak .

"Bri I hate when you do that ." He sighed .

I chuckled . "What you want Bracen?" I caught the girls' attention .

"Just trying to see what my little cousin is up to . What you're doing tomorrow?"

"Just preparing myself for my track meet . It's Thursday . Are you coming?" I bit my lip hoping he'll say yes .

"Yea ill come." He yawned .

"Okay . I see you're tired . I'll talk to you later ." I said as I slung my gym bag over my shoulder .

"Alright . I love you."

"I love you too." With that being said , we disconnected the call .

The girl who was flaunting about Bracen eyed me so hard . I shrugged and walked out the locker room . If she wants to know something then she should ask without assuming .

I went on the track field placing my bag on the fence next to my other team mates belongings .

"Hey Bri." Melanie jogged to me .

Love Truly III : Anxious (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now