{ Chapter Five }

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I rode with Carmen to her cousin's party . You can tell that a lot of people were having fun . There were some out in front of the home drinking , smoking , and dancing . The music could be heard from two block away .

We got out the car and I slid my dress down . I was uncomfortable because it was a mini dress and it stopped mid thigh exposing my thick thighs .

"Let's go juicy booty." Carmen jokes as she loops her arm around mine . I closed the car door and allowed her to lead me inside the home .

It was so packed and live . I was surprised when I noticed it wasn't too hot in the atmosphere . There were a lot of older boys giving me lustful looks .

"What's the age rage in here?" I half yelled so Carmen could hear me .

"Majority of people here are over 20." She yelled . I froze .

"Don't worry . I won't leave you." She held my arm tighter as we navigated through the crowd .

"Wassup Carmen." A tall darkskin man approached her . He licked his lips at the sight of her figure . She also wore a mini dress but she had a slit on the side .

"Sup Max." She slightly rolls her eyes .

"You owe me dance." He said .

"Ooh I do?" She said sarcastically .

"Hell yea." He smirked .

"Aight I got you." Carmen smirked then pulled me away . We entered into the kitchen . It was also filled with people . A few were mingling and tried their hardest to get sloppy drunk .

"He know damn well I am not dancing with him." She said .

I laughed .

"Hey cousin!" She squealed when she spotted a boy leaning on the counter talking to some group of boys .

"Sup Carmen." She went to hug him .

My attention drifted to the same guy who Zay claimed saved him from getting hit by the car . He was sitting on the counter shirtless except he had on a blue vest like shirt . He had the hood on his head . He openly exposed his tattoos that complimented his body . I didn't realize he was staring at me as well .

I looked away and started examining my surrounding as people were walking by .

"Keylan this is my neighbor , Brione." She introduced me to her cousin . The mysterious boy squinted his face at me .

"Wassup lil momma." Keylan greeted . I waved shyly .

"You don't say much don't you?" He asked as he drunk some of his beer .

I shook my head 'no.'

He smirked then went back to conversing with his friends .

"Bruh I see you keep staring . Hop on that." One boy slightly back slapped the tatted boy's shoulder . He was referring to me .

He side eyed his friend as he glance at me . It was rude how he looked me up and down without saying a word so I just walked away .

I went to the living room and watched as everyone grinded on each other in unison .

"Hey." I looked up to see a caramel boy with brown eyes . He had a grill on his bottom teeth and he was really tall .

I waved as he chuckled . "You don't have to be shy . I'm Devon and you are?" He leaned down so he could hear .

"Brione." I said . He nodded and smirked .

"That's a pretty name . It fits you." He smiles .

I blushed .

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